This mostly misrepresents my position. For context, my position is here: I am not against high level tools at all. In fact I developed a very high level language for application programming: I developed this language specifically so that application programmers don't need to learn low level programming.
The problem with modern programming tools isn't their level (high or low). The problem is that they are overcomplicated messes created by people who hate simplicity.
While I love good libraries, I hate frameworks. The difference is that with a library, higher level code calls lower level code, while with a framework, lower level code calls higher level code. The library approach is right, higher level code should always call lower level code. This puts the higher level code in control which gives flexibility. Frameworks are fundamentally inflexible.
There is no reason why the modern programmer’s world should be more complex than the world of the hunter-gatherer. Technology can be used either to complicate things or to simplify things. The tools created by modern scum complicate things. My tools simplify things.
The modern world is descending into a dysfunctional hell. Things don't work, especially software. Reliability is dropping, and these equations explain why:
reliability = competence / complexity
competence = intelligence * conscientiousness
In modern culture, intelligence and conscientiousness are decreasing while complexity is increasing. Complexity increases simply because evil modern culture hates simplicity and loves complexity. Only my Arkian project can solve the competence issue, but my programming tools can vastly decrease the complexity of programming.