What is the world coming to?

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What is the world coming to?

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Re: What is the world coming to?

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Re: What is the world coming to?

tits > ass
OmegaKV wrote
Currently the only place I ever encounter young women is the grocery store.
Pick one you really like and see if she goes there frequently and whether she gives you signals. If she does, signal her back and eventually start communication.
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Re: What is the world coming to?

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Re: What is the world coming to?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
814GNV wrote
You make it sound easy.

Incels exhibit at least one of these (oftentimes, it's a "complete package"):

- tend to be unattractive to women (for whatever reason)
- tend to not recognize or misinterpret indications of interest
- tend to be horrible at the type of communication and behavior women find appealing

It's too many hurdles to overcome. If they succeed at having an intimate relationship with a woman finally, they will probably become too emotionally invested and develop mental health issues.
This is very true. I am greatly influenced by Fschmidt and I often find myself unable to acculturate into normal society due to differences in world view.

The more “modern” the woman is, the more they will be repulsed by me, as if they can “read” that you are “bad”
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Re: What is the world coming to?

tits > ass
In reply to this post by 814GNV
814GNV wrote

You make it sound easy.
Because this part is easy. It's finding a woman who's similar to me that is incredibly hard.

I can recognize the kind of woman who will likely to be interested, because I'm naturally attracted to that kind of woman myself (some characteristic traits are introversion, non-flashy/asexual clothing, rufosity, paleness, freckles, artistic and/or scientific interests, liking plants/animals).

Long eye contact (staring), a faint but assuring smile, as well as frequent appearance at the same place at the same time are rather obvious signals that aren't hard to notice.

I've learned to not even bother with other kind of women, they're like another species (probably literally are).
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Re: What is the world coming to?

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Re: What is the world coming to?

tits > ass
Definitely natural. They have a somewhat higher chance of turning out to be the good kind. Generally, some reddish hue and a jawline towards the robust side of things are good signs.
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Re: What is the world coming to?

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
Becoming a sect leader is one way to get a girlfriend, but it isn't the easiest and most straightforward way.  The easiest way is to date abroad.  This isn't super-easy if there are obstacles to travel, but it is still easier than becoming a sect leader.
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Re: What is the world coming to?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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