What is a sufficient condition for civilization?

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What is a sufficient condition for civilization?

The distinction between necessary condition and sufficient condition comes from logic and math.  There are many necessary conditions for civilization including strong religion, stable families, and female chastity.  But there are few sufficient conditions for civilization.  In fact I believe that there is only one.

I believe that the only sufficient condition for civilization is a genetic predisposition for intelligence and morality in the population.  If this exists, then the various necessary conditions for civilization will fall into place.  It is true that some of the necessary conditions may contribute to this sufficient condition, but this is not guaranteed.  Only when this sufficient condition exists can one be sure that civilization will develop.

I admit that this is purely my hypothesis, just speculation.  But I am just posting this to prompt discussion.  What is your opinion on this question?
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Re: What is a sufficient condition for civilization?

Peter (pathetic gooner)
I think low inhibition and action oriented nature is also necessary. I became way too jaded by encountering too many people that talk big but do nothing
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Re: What is a sufficient condition for civilization?

By "morality" I guess I don't just mean the usual things like being nice.  I mean having the right values regarding behavior.  This includes valuing one's tribe and valuing action.
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Re: What is a sufficient condition for civilization?

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
I don't look up to civilization as a positive evolvement.

A genetic predisposition for intelligence and morality is the only sufficient condition for survival in an ancestral environment.

A genetic predisposition for immorality and averageness (including intellectual averageness) is a condition that aids survival in a civilized environment.
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Re: What is a sufficient condition for civilization?

Certified sex worker ;P
In reply to this post by fschmidt
All groups have a code of rules. It is just a matter of finding the best one and following it and recognising when the one you have is no longer working.

It is time for Westerners to come to terms with the fact that the West has no functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring that most parents are married parents and most children brought up by their two married biological parents living together in a loving relationship.

It is therefore time to acknowledge that the West is a degenerate matriarchy whose opium is sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting.

This means if the problem is matriarchy, the solution must be patriarchy.

If the destination is patriarchy, the vehicle must be theocracy.

The sufficient condition for civilisation is patriarchy.
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