What exactly is this community?

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What exactly is this community?

Are you guys Jewish?  If so why are you discussing converting to Islam and visiting Mennonite Churches?

Very interesting...
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Re: What exactly is this community?

Jewish is an ethnicity.  (Let's use "Judaist" for members of the Judaism.)  Islam and Mennonites are religions.  These are different topics, so I will cover them separately.

Mikraite has nothing to say about ethnicity/race.  Opinions on this are left to individual members.  But we require that all Mikraites support each other regardless of race or other features.  So applying this, we have no problem with zionists or white nationalists.  These groups just support a racial homeland and Mikraite has no position on this subject.  So members of these groups can join Mikraite.  But talmudic/rabbinic jews and nazis are a problem for us.  These groups are hostile to other races and this conflicts with the Mikraite requirement of supporting other Mikraites regardless of race.  In case you are curious, we currently have 3 whites, 2 chinese, and 1 jew (me).

Mikraite is a religion.  It is a new attempt to follow an old religion, namely the religion of the Old Testament.  The only other current religion based on the Old Testament that I know of is Karaite Judaism which has some issues in my opinion.  The Old Testament does not conflict with traditional Christianity, so Christians can become Mikraites.  Islam is less clear.  We are not interested in converting to other religions, but we recognize that our group is small, so we could benefit from associating with a larger religion.  At this point, conservative Mennonites seem to be the best choice and I plan to move near a conservative Mennonite church.

The best way to learn more about us is to join one of our Old Testament readings:

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Re: What exactly is this community?

Certified sex worker ;P
In reply to this post by TheAmalek
I think these Jewish guys are trying to create a new religion for gentiles because they know not everyone is up to being Jewish.  

I was delighted to discover them, because that is precisely what I have done and have been trying to promote with Secular Koranism.  

Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: What exactly is this community?

Certified sex worker ;P
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Are you guys trying to get the West to be more in harmony with Noahide laws?

Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: What exactly is this community?

Our goal isn't to try changing anything. We want to withdraw from society. Whether this is in the form of our  own religion or living amongst other religions isn't decided. We are a small group, only six members so it is unlikely we can change anything about the west or society.
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Re: What exactly is this community?

Certified sex worker ;P
You must have heard of the Amish. Is that what you want to become too?  

I am suddenly reminded of Richard Spencer who wants the same thing too but for white gentile people only.

Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: What exactly is this community?

With only 6 members, acquired over about 5 years, I don't think we're in any position to become what the Amish are. We can't offer a community at this point to children or wives if we rely on ourselves.
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Re: What exactly is this community?

Certified sex worker ;P
I had hoped you were a nest of revolutionaries agitating to impose a theocracy on a degenerate America! If you succeeded in doing that, you would have women falling at your feet offering to mate with you outside wedlock like groupies with rock stars.

http://www.dailystormer.com/half-a-million-pussies-march-on-washington-demanding-president-trump-grab-them/ has a rather amusing comment about feminists demonstrating in order to have sex with Trump. I trust you will excuse the rather anti-Semitic source.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: What exactly is this community?

We are realistic and small, so no, we are not trying to impose anything on America.  If you are interested in that, look to Islam.
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Re: What exactly is this community?

Certified sex worker ;P
I thought you were interested in Islam.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: What exactly is this community?

Enrique Ramos
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Question, I am a conservative Christian, on the other hand, I love Torah, and, after a DNA test I found out I have Jewish DNA in me. Can I be considered a Karaites/ Mikraite? What can I do to be a Mikraite?