The modern Right

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The modern Right


This is music?  This illustrates that the modern Right is less civilized than the most primitive tribe of black Africa.  Culture is what matters, not politics.
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Re: The modern Right

tits > ass
You're of course correct. Intelligent people who don't fall for the divide & conquer theatrics have no platform in politics and arguably didn't have for a long time.

It's quite bizarre that most of the top commenters completely miss the irony of the video (or maybe they're paid to deliberately take the edge off).

When I think of the music of the American right, I think of something like this (though they're Canadian):

But even Bill Monroe was a Mason, so I don't know how far back we should go to be truly clean culture-wise.
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Re: The modern Right

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Merle Haggard noticed the decline already in 1982:

Even human degeneration appears to be a scale-free pattern.