The Judaist Problem

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The Judaist Problem

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Judaism is a plague on humanity.  To address this plague, we must properly diagnose it and then suggest an effective remedy.

But first we need clear terminology.  Judaism intentionally tries to confuse things with words that make no sense.  I will define "jew" as a racial identifier and "judaist" as a religious identifier.  These definitions actually match what you will find in a dictionary where my definition of "jew" will match the first definition in the list.  Judaism intentionally tries to confuse race and religion in order to prevent clear thinking.

To make these definitions clear, consider me versus Ivanka Trump.  I am a jew but not a judaist.  Ivanka Trump is not a jew but she is a judaist.  Ivanka Trump and I have nothing in common.  And in spite of us having nothing in common, Judaism would like to apply the same label to both of us just to create confusion.

I personally don't think that race matters much.  But religion matters a lot.  The religion one chooses reflects the type of life that one wants to live, and that is the essence of a person.  I view Judaism as a horrible problem, as I will explain.  Ivanka Trump is part of that problem.  I am not.

To anyone with brains, it is obvious that modern culture is a complete disaster.  But how much of a problem is it in the long run?  The answer is that it really isn't much of a problem because it will self-destruct and remain only in future history books.  This is the nature of pure evil.  Modern culture is pure evil.  Pure evil is unsustainable because it destroys everything that it affects including itself.  An evil culture becomes increasingly degenerate until its degeneracy causes it to fall apart.

The problem with Judaism is that it is not pure evil and therefore it does not self-destruct.  Orthodox Judaism retains enough shreds of Torah to sustain it.  It retains enough internal moral standards so that it can survive.  But its influence on the outside world is purely evil.  It is not possible for Orthodox Judaists to directly impose pure evil on the world because they themselves are not pure evil.  So this is done indirectly via Liberal Judaists.  Liberal Judaism is pure evil just like modern culture, and like modern culture, Liberal Judaism is unsustainable by itself.  So how does this all work?  I will give a simplified example.  Suppose that every Orthodox Judaist family has 10 children of which 5 children become Orthodox and 5 children become Liberal.  And suppose that all Liberal Judaists simply self-destruct in one generation.  In this simplified example, Judaism would grow and would remain half Orthodox and half Liberal.  Judaism itself is fundamentally a racist religion, so even though Orthodox Judaists and Liberal Judaists have very few values in common, they support each other based on the racism that they share.  Although I have intentionally oversimplified things here, the basic model is accurate.  By this model, Judaism is a sustainable producer of pure evil, something unique in human history.

I am not going to go into the details of the types of evil done by Judaism, particularly Liberal Judaism, because that is well covered elsewhere.  I want to focus on topics where I have something new to say.

So now I can move on to the remedy.  But first let me eliminate approaches that don't work.  Addressing the Judaist problem within modern culture is obviously pointless.  Member of modern culture are simply too stupid to understand anything.  But even if they could understand something, it wouldn't matter because they will soon self-destruct anyway.  The other approach that won't work is the far-right.  The far-right is focused on race, so they miss the problem.  In this sense, they are in agreement with Judaism which shares their racism.  Nazism was the most successful far-right movement so far, and they lost the war because of their racism.  The jewish scientists that contributed to the Allied efforts were generally not judaist, and they could have easily supported Germany if the Nazis had taken a non-racist position.  Today's far-right is much weaker and stupider than the Nazis were.  They have no chance.  The only way they could succeed is if they organized around some sensible religion, but I see no signs of this, so the far-right will die with modern culture.

It seems obvious to me that the future belongs to Islam.  There is just no other serious competition.  So the solution to the Judaist problem is simple - encourage hatred of Judaism among Muslims.  They are already on track thanks to the dispute over Palestine.  But the true nature of Judaism must be made clear to Muslims so that they will never again make the mistake of tolerating Judaism within their societies.  I plan to buy copies of the book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years and hand it out to as many Muslims in my mosque as possible.

Muslims also have the big advantage over many other groups of being non-racist and so they clearly recognize that the problem is Judaism, not jews.  I will encourage the use of the term "judaist" in my mosque to help keep this distinction clear.

The final solution to the judaist problem is to keep judaists out of moral cultures.  Judaists should have their own country, and moral societies should simply send all judaists there.  I don't care where that country is but many Muslims have a problem with giving Palestine to the Judaists.  In that case, when Muslims finally conquer Israel, they should find another location somewhere else in the world and ship all the judaists there.  Muslims should absolutely not allow judaists to remain inside Muslim societies.
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Re: The Judaist Problem

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Re: The Judaist Problem

I can forgive stupidity, ignorance, and racism - all of which the Orthodox are guilty of.  The real problem is that the Orthodox refuse to condemn liberal judaist scum.  I have been banned from every jewish forum that I ever participated in and not one single judaist ever defended me.  Judaists do form a coherent group based on racism.  And no group is guilty of more crimes against morality than this group.
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Re: The Judaist Problem

Allen cocksucker
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Re: The Judaist Problem

Peter (pathetic gooner)
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Muslims will probably try to convert the "judaists " to Islam
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Re: The Judaist Problem

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Re: The Judaist Problem

In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
Yes I think you had an influence, but there were many influences that led me to this conclusion.
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Re: The Judaist Problem

In reply to this post by dawis
The distinction between jews and judaists is comparable to the distinction between arabs and muslims.  And many more people get the second distinction than the first.  I think muslims should be able to understand the distinction between jews and judaists easily.

The distinction between Zionism and Judaism is fundamentally unclear as the book that I linked to explains.

Orthodox Judaists cannot impose their evil without Liberal Judaism or some equivalent.  The Talmud is fundamentally evil but the Torah balances it.  The judaists who drift away from Orthodoxy lose all the good of the Torah but retain the evil of the Talmud.  In effect, they become something like post-modernists, ruthless supporters of group identity without any morals and completely unwilling to have any form of honest discussion.  The Orthodox Judaists not only generate these people but also support them based on shared racism.

I don't know enough about the golden age in Spain to comment on that.  The way to research this would be to first figure out what caused the decline of Islamic culture at the end of this period, and then check what role judaists played in this change.  But I know nothing about this.

After modern culture dies, I would expect non-Orthodox judaists to align with the most corrupt Muslim leaders and to generally try to liberalize Islam.
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Re: The Judaist Problem

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Ivanka Trump is part of that problem.