The Asian cultures (Chinese/Japanese )attitude on health and fitness

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The Asian cultures (Chinese/Japanese )attitude on health and fitness

Peter (pathetic gooner)
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From my time here in Japan I actually got to interact with both Chinese and Japanese people here in Osaka. One of the major difference I see between the two cultures is that Japanese people are health and fitness conscious where as the Chinese people are very lazy and physically weak

There’s the one lady from the mainland even criticized me for wanting to become strong as her argument is that the rise of physically weaker and feminized men is a result of evolution and advancement in civilization.

These are the ridiculous people I had to deal with.
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Re: The Asian cultures (Chinese/Japanese )attitude on health and fitness

tits > ass
Definitely not the kind of Chinese I know.
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Re: The Asian cultures (Chinese/Japanese )attitude on health and fitness

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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In reply to this post by Peter (pathetic gooner)
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Re: The Asian cultures (Chinese/Japanese )attitude on health and fitness

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Even the most controlling regime is no match for the entertainment industry and smartphones and tablets