Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

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Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

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I have been waiting a long time for someone to develop a decent Reddit alternative.  This hasn't happened, so now I would like to work with another programmer to develop this.  I would cover all expenses.

Much of alt-tech is horrible software.  This is because they fail to understand to core issue.  The core issue isn't politics.  The core issue is that western culture is in rapid decline and so everything that modern western culture creates or does is horrible.  This includes both politics and software, as well as everything else.  It is useless to just rebel against modern politics (and its hatred of free speech) while programming with horrible modern software.  True conservatives (or even better, reactionaries) should rebel against all of modern culture, so they should rebel against modern software.  I have made a few posts on this subject in this forum.  I personally have developed my own programming language Luan to avoid having to deal with horrible modern development environments.  Ideally I would love to see a reactionary movement in software to develop all kinds of great software that rejects modern cultural insanity.  But as a start, I would like the Reddit alternative developed in Luan.

This software should be open source and should be distributed.  This maximizes its chance of success by making sure that there is no single point of failure.  Anyone can get the source, modify it as needed, and host it themselves.

I am also strongly pro- free speech.  So we will carefully select services like hosting and DNS registrar that also support free speech.  I will pay for these services and I have an excellent system administrator working for me who can do any needed sysadmin work.

I wrote up some of my old ideas here but this is now outdated.

If you are interested in this work, please contact me at .  If you aren't a programmer but you support this project, please post links to this page wherever appropriate.
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

Holy shit you seem like a really sad person lmao. Not everything is bad man; the global quality of life continues to improve
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

Do you have anything of substance to say, or just meaningless modern bullshit?
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

In reply to this post by fschmidt
Hello, me and my team are interested. Where can we contact you ? Are you willing to pay a part of the sum in advance before we start working on this ?
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

Someone else recently contacted me about this, so I will see how that goes.  Also I am not as enthuastic about paying someone for this as I was when I started this thread, so I updated the original post to reflect this.
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

Hi, I will do it with my boyfriend and our friends for half the price originally specified. We can have a working alpha in ~6 weeks, with a bit more functionality than what you can currently see on We’ve been working on this our spare time for awhile, so a lot of the initial work is already done. If you like what you see, we can discuss ongoing development, hosting, and pricing. Would you be interested?
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

I won't for a few reasons.

1.  They are already working on this anyway, so I assume they will do it whether I pay or not.  They are just looking to get extra money for it.
2.  Obviously they aren't using Luan which means I won't be involved at all.
3.  Someone else has contacted me about working on this they way I want, but of course I don't know if they will follow through.
4.  Another reason I wanted this developed was to replace Nabble, but I have given up waiting so I have already started work on scaling down Nabble.  So this eliminates one of the main reasons that I was willing to pay.
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

Does this mean you aren’t interested in our offer? There is no luan framework, so of course we wouldn’t use that. All I could find when I looked it up was some silly personal webpage talking about how luan is somehow good for Japanese people and Muslims. The prototype I am offering to sell you is much more contemporary and doesn’t rely on some schizophrenic non-language. It’s viable.
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

See what I mean Allen?  Just more modern scum using some moronic framework.  I am glad that I chose to work on software useful for Mennonites instead of worrying about the modern scum on the internet.
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Re: Programmer wanted to develop Reddit alternative

You made this site, right? Where you have to load a whole ass new page to even reply to a comment? And you are trying to dictate to others how to design a platform when your own garbage is straight out of the late 90s? This is older than I am lmao