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I agree with both videos but I side with Elon Musk.  Why?  Because the goyim are too weak and stupid to take power without jewish support.  Sorry but this is the truth, and Elon knows it.  So if you want political power, you have to ally with some jewish faction, and right-wing zionist jews are the least harmful.

Elon Musk's statement seems like a declaration of war against the establishment.  Of course this is a civil war in the elite, the masses being too inert to do anything.  But it is significant.  Before this statement, I was sure that the establishment would rig the coming election to prevent outsiders (including elite outsiders like Trump) from winning.  Now I am not so sure.  While Trump is a big-mouth do-nothing, Musk can use his money to influence politics including actions to reduce election rigging.  Tucker Carlson would be natural ally for Elon Musk.  I think things will get interesting.
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Re: Politics

Peter (pathetic gooner)
What is the best course of action for the average man? How do we decent people get away from this bullshit?
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Re: Politics

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Politics

Peter (pathetic gooner)
The worst business man in the world has more money than all of us put together
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Re: Politics

In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
The proper measure of a businessman is his net worth, and Elon does well by this.  It shouldn't be surprising that a con-man is a good businessman in a degenerate corrupt society.
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Re: Politics

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Politics

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Do you think trump is also an actor playing a role?