My plan + reasons why I hate whites

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My plan + reasons why I hate whites

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Re: My plan + reasons why I hate whites

I am glad that you realize that American women are hopeless.  That is real progress.

Do you speak Spanish?
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Re: My plan + reasons why I hate whites

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
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Re: My plan + reasons why I hate whites

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
OmegaKV wrote
1) I hate whites because the very extreme degree to which whites have
rejected me, not just in dating but as a person in general (e.g. white
teachers antagonizing me school)
There are tens of millions of whites who'd consider you a deity in America because you're non-white. You must have encountered some weird whites.

OmegaKV wrote
2) I hate whites for inducing women of all races in America to reject me
(e.g. Hispanic women in America reject Middle Eastern men at similar rates
as white women do, even though this is not the case outside of America)
How have whites done this?

OmegaKV wrote
3) I hate whites for using its undeserved wealth to kill Muslims in the
Middle East, and for sending free money to Israel, so that the degenerate
Jews can unnaturally win victories against the culturally superior Palestinians
So the behavior of American governments  post WW2 is somehow blamed on "whites" by you. Even though this entity is only a tiny fraction of whites and these governments includ(ed) non-whites.

What makes Palestinians culturally superior to Israelis?

OmegaKV wrote
4) I hate whites for being the main people behind the scummy psychopathic
tech culture that dominates Silicon Valley, the internet, and which ruined
my last workplace (all of the worst people from my last workplace were
white, by the way)
Similar to your previous point, you're blaming "whites" for the behavior of scummy elites and libtards.

OmegaKV wrote
5) I hate whites for being the pioneers of liberalism, which ended up
infecting and destroying the Baha'i religion
6) I hate whites for being the pioneers of racism (unlike what Jared Taylor
claims, I do not believe racism is inherent in all of us. I think it is an
innovation of whites)
Will you make up your mind already? Liberalism is the direct opposite of "white racism".

Whites are the least racist race.

Tell me, do any other race than whites contain tens of millions of self-hating morons who'd literally have you kill their kids with no punishment because they're white?

Tell me, do you ever hear that places like Nigeria are "too black" and need more  whites?  No, whites are the only morons in the world to think and act like this.

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Re: My plan + reasons why I hate whites

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
I don't care about race, so I don't care about whites.  But Protestants...  I really hate modern Protestants.  I hate them more than Atheists or Satanists or any other religion.  Everything that you complain about came from Protestants.  Even mayonnaise.