Knowledge for constructing technology independent of society

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Knowledge for constructing technology independent of society

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Re: Knowledge for constructing technology independent of society

tits > ass
The current population is losing knowledge by the hour, not gaining it. What once was intelligence inside human beings was replaced by technology. Technology is cumulative and builds upon inventions of all the previous generations. Look at it as a gift from our ancestors, not as something novel and noble. And it's a rather misused gift. Technology (invented by a chosen few) helps the overpopulated & degenerated stupid survive, nothing more.
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Re: Knowledge for constructing technology independent of society

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Re: Knowledge for constructing technology independent of society

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
OmegaKV wrote
I think it would be noble for society to aim towards discovering knowledge that would enable people to construct technologies like these.
All technology of any kind is developed through the cooperation of intelligent people.  Since intelligent people are going extinct, this seems to me to be the core problem which should be addressed.