Judaism rejects God

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Judaism rejects God

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Most people are confused about the evil of Judaism.  Some nationalists attack Zionism which is hypocrisy because Zionism is nothing but nationalism, so it isn't the problem.  Some racists think that the jewish race is the problem, but racism makes no sense because the difference between individuals within a race is much greater than the difference between races.  The true evil of Judaism is Judaism itself, a fundamentally evil religion that rejects God.  This is best illustrated in the Talmudic story of Rabbi Eliezer.


The speaker here is a Karaite.  In case you doubt the accuracy, here is the same story from Chabad.


Chabad is one of the biggest orthodox jewish groups.  And finally, here is the story in the Talmud itself.


Search in the page for the text "Eliezer" to find it.

This story, by itself, is enough to illustrate that Judaism rejects God and says that rabbis are to rule here on Earth.  This is the fundamental source of Jewish evil.  Here are some resources that show how this evil manifests itself.



Note that all sources that I have referenced are jewish.

No civilized society should tolerate Judaism which is fundamentally a traitorous religion.  Both the Catholic Church and Islam are wrong in believing that Judaism can be contained, so should be tolerated.

In case anyone is wondering about my credentials in making this post - I am racially jewish, I attended orthodox synagogue, and I follow the Old Testament.
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Re: Judaism rejects God

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Judaism rejects God

It is common for different kinds of animals to mix, and this is often symbiotic.  For example your intestines are full of bacteria that benefit you.  A human example would be the Anabaptists.  For example the Mennonites in Belize are an alien culture and race, but they benefit the nation and the majority population seems fine with this.  I don't see any reason that the Anabaptists would evolve to become parasites.  In the long run, an alien culture benefits from the success of the host culture.

Jews have also varied in strategy by country.  In Hungary, where my family is from, Jews generally weren't parasitic.  Many Hungarian Jews simply ignored Judaism, so the Talmudic influence was minimal.  You can see this in the lives of the numerous scientists who came from this group, von Neumann for example.  So the point is that Jews vary a lot, or at least did in the recent past.  But those tied to Judaism are a big problem.

I should briefly comment on Soros, the obvious monster.  He was a Nazi collaborator who helped kill Hungarian Jews.  He is now a pure globalist who doesn't support Israel at all.  He is just an exceptional case of pure evil.
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Re: Judaism rejects God

fschmidt wrote
I should briefly comment on Soros, the obvious monster.  He was a Nazi collaborator who helped kill Hungarian Jews.  He is now a pure globalist who doesn't support Israel at all.  He is just an exceptional case of pure evil.
Can you elaborate on this? I can't find any indication of what you're saying on the internet.
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Re: Judaism rejects God

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Re: Judaism rejects God

The Opposition
In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
No civilised society should tolerate Judaism because of Kosher butchering. If your child was to die, and you knew this and accepted it because he had done some great wrong, but you would speak out against him being killed by the horrible torture of being cut at the neck and drowning in his own blood anyway, then you know how wrong Kosher butchering is. The pressure change from sudden blood loss is supposed to cause unconsciousness, especially in larger animals and especially when the head is elevated. But it doesn't always.

However, I don't see what the Rabbis in the story of Eliezer did wrong. Anyone who thinks abortion is actually murder and doesn't blow up Planned Parenthood agrees with the Rabbis and not Rabbi Eliezer. Most of us do, we just don't cognise it.

Every person has in his own head an ideal of good, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that no two people's "head canon" of what good actually is would be alike.

Some common laws are necessary to live in society and someone or someones do have to be responsible for determining right and wrong at a societal level. And you do have to follow that unless society is very obviously completely evil, and although I hate to break it to you, an oven or even abortions don't really qualify (at least, not in my thinking).

Abortions were only recently legalised in Ireland but if that hadn't been the case, a good solution for anyone whose hot button was abortions would be to move to Ireland, not blow up Planned Parenthood. People should have a place for their survival strategy to be tested cleanly (that is, without the potential parasitism of other, competing survival strategies). Most of us can see that tolerating a competing survival strategy where murder is allowed would be ruinous to those who think they should not murder, and most of us can see that despite which group would outcompete the other, the strategy of "don't murder, murder should be punished until its Expected Value is negative" builds the superior society.

The problem with listening to the booming voice and not the law is that it's sort of a cheat. I don't have a direct line to God; I can't pick up my glowing white phone and get an answer to whether my head canon about good is right or wrong. It could be wrong, so I follow the law, and then I put myself in God's shoes and (assuming I'm being fair) I realise that I can't punish people who had no way to know whether something was "technically murder" so they deferred to those who were presumed to be wise instead of choosing the totally non-universalisable option and choosing violence every time my instinct disagrees with somebody and calling it righteous. Imagine if everyone did that.

I hope that God would also decide not to punish the guy who buys one of those ovens... but again I put myself in God's shoes. That guy making and selling those forbidden ovens is profiting at the expense of everyone who submitted to the law, which I have to think everyone ought to do, or there would be chaos. He may become like a drug dealer, bringing violence and strife to his community. While he's technically right that there was nothing wrong with those ovens, he hurt people, and depending on how far it went, he may have even killed people. As God, I might expect him to judge the community, the safety, and the lives of others to be more valuable than his damn oven business, which is only so profitable because everyone else is choosing those other things, and he knows so.

There's a reason the Rabbis asserted their authority on Earth over the authority of Heaven and I totally agree with it.
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Re: Judaism rejects God

In reply to this post by fschmidt
In today's scripture reading, we read Quran 4:46 which says that the Jews say "We hear and we disobey".  This thread provides a clear example of this directly from the Talmud.
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Re: Judaism rejects God

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Re: Judaism rejects God

In reply to this post by The Opposition
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Re: Judaism rejects God

tits > ass
Is George Friedman also Talmudic? What he's saying here, in 2015 is a prediction of what's happening now in the Russia-Ukraine conflict:

The evil things he's saying is nothing more than what's already written in Deuteronomy.
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Re: Judaism rejects God

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
fschmidt wrote
It is common for different kinds of animals to mix, and this is often symbiotic.  For example your intestines are full of bacteria that benefit you.
Bacteria in my intestines and me are not genetically mixed.