Is religious uniformity necessary?

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Is religious uniformity necessary?

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Re: Is religious uniformity necessary?

tits > ass
It's never religion that holds together groups of people. It's genetic quality that does. And the most important trait within that is intelligence; both its level and the general nature of it.
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Re: Is religious uniformity necessary?

In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
All religions have had problems in history, whether or not faced with religious diversity.  Yes insularity helps.  But a religion can be insular in a religiously diverse society, like Orthodox Jews are.  But the factors that make a religion last are hard to identify because so few religions have lasted.  Undoubtedly intelligence helps.
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Re: Is religious uniformity necessary?

Certified sex worker ;P
In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
All religions are moral systems.

Our laws should be based on a defined moral system in order to protect us from the arbitrary decisions of our ruling classes.  

Religions and secular political ideologies are moral systems.  

Islam understands the logic of our laws reflecting our chosen moral system.  

To make Islam go mainstream in the West, non-Muslim Americans should be informed by Muslims who want Islamic governance that the First Amendment can only have been based on
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