I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

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I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

Peter (pathetic gooner)
She’s not attracted to you would be the modern answer

She sounds like a damn bitch
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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

Peter (pathetic gooner)
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In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
And she probably got matched with a better looking guy than you

The fact you are on the web desperately looking for a date speaks volumes about your SMV

You clearly don’t have qualities they are looking for
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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

Peter (pathetic gooner)
In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
I am sorry that i come off as very abrasive in my answer. On a comforting note ask yourself this:

Would your life be better with or without people like her in it?
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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Good analogy. This happens to unattractive men. You think the handsome bad boys worry about any of those things you described when they are messaging women?
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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

Peter (pathetic gooner)
In reply to this post by OmegaSEX
Similar things happened to me when I messaged a Chinese woman and I said something she didn’t like (she’s says she went to England and I told her that it’s best not to come to the west because the west is failing) she cut me off despite we had good things going.

What you described is not exclusive to American women it’s natural in modern women
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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: I matched with an attractive American woman on Tinder, and she responded to my initial message

Peter (pathetic gooner)
If they are actually attracted to you, you’ll be shocked how forgiving women can be, even if you are downright mean to them.