I am a bad salesman

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I am a bad salesman

Peter (pathetic gooner)
I am a bad salesman and can’t convince others even when I can physically show them the benefits of what I’m selling. I can’t convince other people when the evidence is in front of them. People make up their mind first then find justification afterwards.

Trying to get martial arts group together I can show people my abilities and I can best other people. Unlike my friend Lavell whose loses are spectacular, I look like crap even when I win. I can’t sell my products even when I can show directly what I can do.

I can’t convince my parents and my MA teachers to not take the COVID vaccine. I can’t convince them to leave America when the situation for Asian Americans are clearly bad. I can’t convince my teacher to leave New York even when you can clearly see that the city is deteriorating.

Can anyone give advice? What will you do in my place?

Peter (now in Japan)
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Re: I am a bad salesman

tits > ass
Find the handful of people that are like you. Trying to convince idiots is counterproductive. Let them fail, so they can fail sooner.
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Re: I am a bad salesman

In reply to this post by Peter (pathetic gooner)
God guides who he will.

I too come from a similar background and have been unable to convince my kin of the decline.

History is filled with prophets giving their peoples warnings of doom and prescriptions for righteous action. In most cases the people dont listen.

You are doing your part by sharing your insight with your kin, if they dont listen that is their own fault