Hail Satan

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Hail Satan

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No I haven't changed my religion.  I still follow the Old Testament, and I prefer God to Satan.  But I have to give credit where credit is due.  Satan is far better than most of modern culture, and it is only thanks to Satan that modern society functions at all.

What are the primary drivers of modern culture?  Stupidity, laziness, and delusion.  This issue actually came up as I am working on marketing a service that doubles the income of its users.  If you think such a service would be an easy sell, you are wrong.  We considered adding a help page on the assumption that stupidity is the primary obstacle to using the service.  But after deeper inspection, it became clear that laziness is a much bigger factor than stupidity.  So my overall conclusion is that most people are too lazy to do anything, and of the few who aren't, most of those are too stupid to do anything of value.

The most "productive" members of modern culture aren't stupid or lazy, they are just delusional.  So they produce a lot, but it is all worthless because it is based on delusion.  Silicon Valley well represents such people.  In religious terms, this is idolatry.  They worship insane ideas, and then implement them.  Some such ideas may actually sell because the stupid lazy masses are also delusional and may want to buy the delusion.  But this doesn't add any true value to society.

The only people who add value to modern society are the Satanists, namely the people who are driven by greed and lust for power.  These people are usually not stupid or lazy, and not delusional.  These are the people who make industry work because this helps them have money and power.  They (rightfully) abuse their workers to force the stupid lazy masses to do some useful work.  Such people would obviously use the service that I am trying to market, and I wish there were more such people.  Without these Satanists, modern society would collapse overnight.

So where does God fit into this picture?  He doesn't.  Modern society is a purely godless society.  Such societies inevitably collapse in the end, but that takes time.  And until that happens, we can thank the Satanists that anything works at all.
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Re: Hail Satan

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Is AI now their ultimate idol? ChatGPT would be equivalent of the pagan gods mentioned in the OT (Dagon and Moloch)
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Re: Hail Satan

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
It's a good post and you sum most of it up nicely, but you are mistaken that they add any value. What these people produce clearly has negative value, because it makes the lives of moral, unhedonistic people harder and harder. Accepting amoral/immoral, deteriorative behavior for your own gain is already Satanic.