For Single Men

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For Single Men

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Finding a wife in a feminist country is almost impossible for the simple reason that feminism ruins women.  There are a number of approaches to finding a wife abroad in a non-feminist country.

At one point, I researched international dating sites as a potential business.  I didn't go into it because I realized that existing sites do a good enough job.  They also offer a simple solution to dating.  There are a number of relatively inexpensive international sites that charge a monthly membership.  The Cupid Media sites are an example.  Use these, not the free sites.  Chat with various women until you find one location that you want to focus on.  Then just focus on talking to women at that location.  Once you have lined up a number of women there, take a trip there and meet them.

Another approach is to work abroad.  Teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) is a common way to do this.  You generally need a college degree to get ESL jobs.  Before taking an ESL job, you should make sure that the location is going to work for you.  You can do this by using international dating sites (see above) to make sure that you like the women at the location before taking an ESL job there.

A third approach is to move to a border of your country with a non-feminist country.  This is what I did because I dated a long time ago when the previous two options didn't exist.  I moved to Laredo, Texas, and met my wife across the border.  Because of the drug wars, most of the Mexican border is no longer appealing.  But Tijuana is still reasonable, so you can move to San Diego and date in Mexico.  Europeans can move to Eastern Europe where things should be better.

If you want sex before marriage, I urge you to use prostitutes and not waste time on sluts.  Sluts will waste your time and take an emotional toll.  But even worse, sluts are evil women who are attracted to evil men, so as you modify your behavior to attract sluts, you will learn to be evil yourself.  In effect, chasing sluts trains men to be evil.  Just say "no" to sluts.
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Re: For Single Men

Below is a post I copied (with permission) from another forum by an incel (involuntary celibate).  The post is a warning for decent single men.  The point is do not listen to the advice that you will get from members of modern culture.  Remember that modern culture is evil.  My original post in this thread explains how decent men can find women.  Ignore it and you risk winding up like the author of the post below.

Okay. I am going to be 100% honest with you. I am NOT writing this as a successful player, a guy who can women into the sack with just a click of his fingers. No I'm writing this for one simple reason; I do not want ANY guy to go through what I have had to endure. I'm not trying to sell you anything, and I do not for one second claim that the advice I am going to give you is startlingly original. It ain't. But you want to know why the whole dating scene is fucked up? Simple. We tried to re-invent the fucking wheel is what. MEN are physically stronger and for the most part, mentally superior to women. Then along comes feminism and all of that, THE SETTLED FUCKING ORDER OF NATURE, goes out of the window. Now, in feminised countries, we got bitches with masculine haircuts and attitudes the size of fucking Nebraska, continually bitching about how they don't 'need' men, and 'where have all the Nice GuysTM gone', whilst continuing to bang every bad boy dickhead going. Well I'll tell you what bitches. Next time some crazy SOB needs his ass kicking in fuck-knows-where-istan, we useless MEN will sit on our asses and watch as you WOMEN go in and bring down some serious firepower on his ass. Can you fucking picture it? No. Nor can I. See, the fucking LIE at the heart of feminism, the shit that has been allowed to fucking fester, is that women BEFORE feminism were OPPRESSED is just that – A fucking LIE. They were NOT oppressed. They were CONTROLLED. There is a fucking difference. We are all CONTROLLED. We are expected to obey RULES. That is why most of us do not drive about in unlicensed cars. That is NOT oppression. The reason why women were controlled was quite simple; LEFT TO THEIR OWN FUCKING DEVICES THEY CREATE A FUCKING SHITHOLE THAT WE LAUGHABLY CALL A CIVILISATION. 80% OF ALL WESTERN WOMEN ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN THE TOP 20% OF MALES. Oh sure they will put up with a guy who is NOT in the top 20%...but only until something better comes along. And what has this wonderful thing, this benediction that is called Feminism brought us? Record numbers of marital breakdowns. Record numbers of MEN facing a life of Incel. Record numbers of uneducated feral children. Record numbers of men being prosecuted on trumped up sexual harassment charges. Record numbers of fuckless men going Pant-Y Waco like a fucking BOSS with a gun. (Remember George Sodini?) Record numbers of Hollywood movies and TV shows, depicting women as omnipresent bad-asses. Record numbers of anti male laws and programs. (Or why else would countries like the USA and France be trying to wipe out prostitution?) I could go on. Bottom line is, all of the above shit is due to the fact that women have been given WAY TOO MANY FUCKING RIGHTS, WITHOUT EVER BEING REMINDED OF THEIR RESPONIBILITES. Want to know what I want in a woman? Simple. If I want somebody who can beat me at arm wrestling, or in a bare knuckle boxing competition, I'll turn gay and fuck a man. If I want somebody with a crew cut and more tats than your average biker, again, I will turn gay and fuck A MAN. If I want all the above plus massive chips on their shoulders, I will turn gay and fuck A BLACK man. What I actually want, is a kind, loving, gentle, sexy, INTELLIGENT, nurturing WOMAN. A woman who is not a frigid bitch, someone who will give me the sex I need, the LOVE I need and the RESPECT I DESERVE. Someone who can furnish me with children, whom WE CAN BOTH BE PROUD OF. Being a good mother is NOT a dirty word (two actually!), nor is it an admission of being crushed by a male dominated society. Being a good mother is absolutely the most wonderful, the most useful, THE MOST FANTASTIC thing that a woman can ever do. Alongside that, is being a good FATHER. See how that makes sense? TWO good people come together and produce GOOD CHILDREN. What does this mythical woman get in return from a guy like me? Simple. The unspoken, unswerving promise that I will defend her with the LAST FUCKING BREATH IN MY BODY. I WILL STOP A BULLET FOR HER IF I HAVE TO. I WILL WORK TILL I FUCKING DROP IF I HAVE TO. See, THAT is what a REAL MAN DOES. Why do you think guys like me are so fucking disenfranchised? All my life, ALL MY FUCKING MISERABLE LIFE, I have tried to do the 'right' thing. Know where it's gotten me? Nada. Nothing. FUCK ALL. I have LESS sexual experience than your average 15 year old. I am 48. Let that sink in for a moment. FORTY FUCKING EIGHT. I will admit that it is mostly my fault. Because I listened to their lies. The manginas. The bitches. The feminists. The pseudo-intellectuals. Instead of concentrating on getting myself jacked the fuck UP, getting ripped, getting wigger clothes, and being what women WANT – a narcissistic bad boy alpha THUG. Or even better, I should have learned to make MONEY. LOTS of it. Because money can get you anything you fucking WANT. And when my oneitis of TEN FUCKING YEARS WENT AND MARRIED MY FUCKING SISTER (Yep. I know it's fucking unbelievable – but she fucking did!), I could have consoled myself with a roll in the hay with the hottest fucking escort I could afford. In fact, I would have had TWO of the bitches. If you are young enough, and bright enough, there are two routes out of Incel. Route one is HIT THE FUCKING GYM. Get yourself ripped into KILLER shape. I really cannot stress this enough. Do not listen to the fucking idiots who say looks are not important. It's bullshit. Pure and simple. Fix your looks.....and getting laid will follow. Route two is perhaps harder. You need to take a long hard look at our so called 'society' ( I use the term advisedly inasmuch as the Chinese firm Jin Lun claims to build motorcycles), and ask yourself do you want to be part of it? If you are content to put up with the 24 carat gold plated SHITE that you are expected to endure, then follow Route one, and fuck every slut you can get your hands on. Or you could do what Fschmidt did, and look for a better class of woman outside the femisphere. (Funnily enough...guess who has a Latvian porn star as a friend on facebook? Been talking to her today! And guess what? She AIN'T a fucking bitch. Funny that. But I digress). Now, to choose Route two, you need MONEY. MOOLAH. DOSH. READIES. WONGA.....GREENBACKS. So, you need to make it. LOTS of it. You also, do not need the approval of Wabbits, family or friends. You need the money, and the travel documents. This rather long and rambling post is not for me. It is for YOU. The decent guys who spend every Friday and Saturday night with blue balls. And so I commend it to you. As I don't think I have much longer to live, I think it's probably too late for me (Unless my porn star friend throws me a pity fuck – I'll even do it on camera with my best bow tie on!) So, I guess this is goodbye dudes. For real. It has been a privilege knowing you. It really and truly has. But I think it's time for me to go. I don't want to go to my grave with anger boiling in my soul. I hope that I will get better; but don't ask me why, but there is a nagging voice in my head telling me that this is it. No more power-ups. No more extra lives. Just consider what I have said. Yeah I know, I've probably said most of it before. If you want to remember me, get yourselves sorted. If you want to adopt the line HL and say 'fuck women and Wabbits' then coolio. Go for it. Whatever path you choose, don't let the muthfacker's beat you.
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Re: For Single Men

In reply to this post by fschmidt
I am a woman. This is supposed to be a friendly, Christian site and you're calling women sluts. Disgusting.

Based on angry you sound, I guess your marriage to your non-feminist Mexican wife isn't going so great after all.
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Re: For Single Men

This is a Biblic Jew site. If your definition of friendliness is 100% agreement then I think you'll be very offended. And he's calling sluts, sluts. I applaud him.

I know him in real life and he has the best marriage out of any man I've ever met.

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Re: For Single Men

In reply to this post by Tae
Tae, this is not a Christian site.  Most modern women are sluts, just as most modern men are players.  The modern world is disgusting.  But my marriage is fine, 24 years so far.  It is the outside world that is the problem.
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Re: For Single Men

In reply to this post by alexanderkristall-meth
If he's having a "the best marriage of any man", then Franklin has no reason to be very angry. Happily married people rarely lash out long, detailed rants like this. How other people live their lives have zero relevance to him.
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Re: For Single Men

So Tae, did Jesus lash out at the corruption around him because he was in an unhappy marriage?  What about Moses and Mohammed?  These two were married.  So how other people lived their lives should have had zero relevance to them?
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Re: For Single Men

I'm sure Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed had better things to do than to get mad over others having wild, crazy monkey sex.
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Re: For Single Men

Tae wrote
I'm sure Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed had better things to do than to get mad over others having wild, crazy monkey sex.
Apparently not, since all three of them condemned it (adultery).
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Re: For Single Men

People still do it today, regardless. Just being real.
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Re: For Single Men

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Re: For Single Men

qwerty wrote
Franklin, do you know anyone from Happier Abroad or elsewhere who married someone from the Cupid Media sites? If so, do you know if the marriage was successful? I'm somewhat worried that most of the women on a foreign dating sate would either be scammers or that they would only be interested in marrying to get a green card. For this reason, I think I'd prefer to eventually move aboard, if only temporarily. However, it can be a challenge to get a decent job in a third-world country, which is why I might consider the Cupid Media sites if I hear of success stories.
I don't know anyone who married someone from a Cupid Media site.  Drealm has some experience with the various options and you could talk to him about it.