Do most women want and like the same things? (And they are not good)

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Do most women want and like the same things? (And they are not good)

Peter (pathetic gooner)
After spending time at the language school in Osaka Japan it seems to me that most women across the planet, particularly the younger generation wants and like the same kind of things

They want money
They want big houses
They like western hip hop
They like Kpop
They like to party
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Re: Do most women want and like the same things? (And they are not good)

These women?

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Re: Do most women want and like the same things? (And they are not good)

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Re: Do most women want and like the same things? (And they are not good)

Peter (pathetic gooner)
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That’s cuz modern women finds you unattractive and you dont have qualities they want

Bro… you act like you are the only man that modern women reject. They sure as hell reject me