Did men walk on the moon?

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Did men walk on the moon?

Did men walk on the moon?

Please answer "yes", "no", or "unsure".

Of course my answer is "yes".
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
It is more about trusting the population at that time.  Today people are incompetent and dishonest.  At that time, it was the opposite.  People were generally competent and honest.  This means that they were capable of going to the moon, and that lying on a large scale was impossible.  Lies like the Watergate scandal and various lies about Vietnam were all exposed.  The media was fairly honest.  So faking something like the moon landings would have been impossible.
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

Boomers were selfish and misguided, but not dishonest or incompetent.  These are different things.
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

The boomers were ignorant of history and religion, so easily fooled by bad arguments.  But they were honest, so lies about the present (of that time) wouldn't work.  A NASA whistleblower could have gone to the press and they would have published it.
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Re: Did men walk on the moon?

In reply to this post by fschmidt