DeSantis caves to Jews and destroys free speech

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DeSantis caves to Jews and destroys free speech


So no need for me to waste my time voting this election.  All Americans are scum.
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Re: DeSantis caves to Jews and destroys free speech

Peter (pathetic gooner)
we know from whom he gets his campaign money from
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Re: DeSantis caves to Jews and destroys free speech

tits > ass
In reply to this post by fschmidt
There goes freedom of speech. It's shaping up to be a Zionist-Globalist Jews vs. China & friends match. The world will be re-distributed again depending on whether they run on Jewish or Chinese banks.
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Re: DeSantis caves to Jews and destroys free speech

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Israel will look to China/ Russia as new allies once America loses global dominance.

Can Zionist Jews infiltrate the media and governments of those countries?
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Re: DeSantis caves to Jews and destroys free speech

tits > ass
Peter wrote

Can Zionist Jews infiltrate the media and governments of those countries?
They did it once, but times have changed. Even Russia's much greater Zionist presence (in comparison to that of China) is not enough to stop China's rise to world power.

There's too much of a genetic difference for that to happen. At one point in the future, China will make an offer to most countries to "buy them out", and at that point most countries will happily take it.