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What can you think of that has zero intrinsic worth?  The US dollar has intrinsic value because it is a government sanctioned means of exchange and is required for paying taxes.  The Zimbabwean dollar has the intrinsic value of the paper that it is printed on and could be used to burn to keep warm or as cat litter.  But finding something that has absolutely zero practical use, zero intrinsic value, is actually quite hard.  One thing that fits is bitcoin.

Bitcoin advocates will claim that its value is its limited supply, like gold.  But this is false because anyone can create another currency just like bitcoin while no one can create a new substance like gold.  The response may be that bitcoin is first.  But again, this really is just a temporary advantage, until other digital currencies gain followings.  In truth, the proper value of bitcoin is zero.

So why has it been the best investment in recent years?  Because members of modern culture most value what is worth the least and least value what is worth the most.  Members of modern culture hate everything good and love everything that is worthless.  And this is why they love bitcoin.

Bitcoin is just the latest example of modern insanity.  The US dollar is also overvalued as is the US stock market.  Everything that modern culture does is insane and the insanity will not end until modern culture crashes.
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Re: Bitcoin

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Re: Bitcoin

Banned User
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In reply to this post by fschmidt
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Re: Bitcoin

I think there is no way to tell.
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Re: Bitcoin

In reply to this post by fschmidt
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Re: Bitcoin

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Re: Bitcoin

Ironically a hardware wallet makes bitcoin physical, with all the problems normally associated with physical assets like gold.  It can be robbed or lost or destroyed.

By the way, I think shorting bitcoin is an opportunity of a lifetime.  I will wait for the price stabilize at a high level and derivative products to mature, and then I will look for a far out of the money long duration put option.
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Re: Bitcoin

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Bitcoin

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Bitcoin

I thought more about this and I realized that holding precious metals is effectively shorting bitcoin in a safe way.  When the cryptocurrencies crash, precious metals should rise significantly.
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Re: Bitcoin

In reply to this post by fschmidt
"A cryptocurrency inspired by a popular dog meme, that was set up as a joke, is now valued at nearly $2 billion."
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Re: Bitcoin

In reply to this post by fschmidt

More proof that the world has gone insane.  Using up natural resources and polluting the environment to produce something of ZERO real value.