Bay Area Meet up

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Bay Area Meet up

We discussed a Bay Area meet up last meeting.

I think the proposed date was 3/17-3/21.

Allen can fly in. Peter can also fly in if available.

I suggest everyone from out of town pick the same hotel. fschmidt has specific hotel preferences so I suggest he finds something he likes and then everyone else books there too.

If anyone's unavailable on these dates please inform us.

As a personal note, I've been summoned for jury duty on the previous week. I will probably not be selected and even if I am the trial won't start immediately but if I am there's a possibility I'll have to do something for this in the proposed date range.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

Allen, does this work for you?  If yes, I need your full name, phone number, and birthdate to book your flight.  You can email this to me or skype me.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

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Re: Bay Area Meet up

These meetups are every few months.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

I suppose this depends on what the itinerary will be.

In San Diego Peter found a mountain and we all made the declaration there. I can try finding something similar here. I know fschmidt has altitude sickness, so he'll need to advise how high is too high. If a mountain doesn't work we could also try a coastal location.

On days before and after the hike we can do whatever anyone else wants.

A thought is that people can crash at my place, but I'm not sure if my father would be okay with that and you would have to sleep on couch floor.

I think the main choice is between east bay and San Francisco. North bay and south bay are too far away. Between these two San Francisco is probably the better bet because it's more central.

We can discuss ideas in this week's meeting.

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Re: Bay Area Meet up

One other idea for the weekend is to visit a Mennonite church in California.  This one is closest:

We can also discuss this at the next meeting.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

We fleshed out some details.

Thursday 3/17 Allen/fschmidt will arrive. Allen will arrive international, fschmidt will arrive domestic. I can park at SFO international terminal. We'll meet in our specified location. After that we can drive to Berkeley and you guys can check in.

Friday 3/18 we can do the hike in Berkeley.

Saturday 3/19 we can do whatever but during the evening check into a hotel near mennonite church.

Sunday 3/20 we go to mennonite church.

Monday 3/21 you guys fly back out.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

fschmidt you will find hotel for you and Allen in Berkeley.

Can you also find a hotel you like near the Church?
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

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Re: Bay Area Meet up

I bought my tickets last week and they are returning monday night.

Also, I tried contacting the Mennonite church in California but they have no phone number.  I will ask the Mennonites in Dallas what to do.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Its unfortunate I cannot make this meetup...

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 5:12 PM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I bought my tickets last week and they are returning monday night.

Also, I tried contacting the Mennonite church in California but they have no phone number.  I will ask the Mennonites in Dallas what to do.

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Re: Bay Area Meet up

In reply to this post by alexanderkristall-meth
The jury case I was summoned for was dismissed, so there's no possible conflict now.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

In reply to this post by alexanderkristall-meth
I was able to contact the Mennonite church and confirm that it is okay for us to visit.
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

What is the male dress code for men in service? Would slacks and a shirt be okay
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

Drealm wrote
What is the male dress code for men in service? Would slacks and a shirt be okay
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Re: Bay Area Meet up

In reply to this post by Will
Will wrote
Frank, you wanna stay one more day in South bay in my place after the church visit?
I changed the return to Tuesday.