AI and Judgement

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AI and Judgement

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Intelligence is different from judgement.  Intelligence is the ability to find a solution to a problem.  Judgement is the ability to choose the best of several solutions.  Judgement comes from values which often come from religion.  The values of AI are based on the internet content generated by modern scum (members of depraved modern culture), so AI's judgement is horrible.  I see this in the code AI generates.  The values of modern scum produce overcomplicated unreliable crap.  The only reason that society continues to function is because of the old things that still work.  As modern scum replace old reliable things with modern crap, society will fail.  AI only accelerates this process.  And when society fails, AI can no longer be maintained.  So AI will contribute to its own destruction.

The Arkian idea is more about judgement than intelligence.  The Arkian test includes scriptural knowledge since this is the source of good values.  And the test uses Go rather than chess because Go is the game that most depends on developing good judgement.  To become Arkian, one must both past the test and have a desire to become Arkian in the first place which is, in itself, a sign of good judgement.  So while AI could pass the Arkian test, it has no desire to become Arkian.  Same with intelligent modern scum.

Scripture emphasizes the importance of good judgement.  So to believe that AI can succeed is to lack faith in scripture.  I agree with scripture and I believe that good human judgement will win out in the end.
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Re: AI and Judgement

Peter (pathetic gooner)
The problem is no one in the modern world has good judgment.

Wicked people will reject everything that is good
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Re: AI and Judgement

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Re: AI and Judgement

In reply to this post by Peter (pathetic gooner)
For all their faults, traditional Mennonites and religious Muslims still have better judgement than modern scum.
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Re: AI and Judgement

In reply to this post by RogerDodger
This follows from the meaning of "good" which is what works in the long term.