In reply to this post by Peter (pathetic gooner)
1. Being that the West is in a Post-Christian phase, there's still residual Christian aspects to it. Kindness to strangers will occasionally manifest. Social Justice Warriors, while denouncing Christianity as patriarchal and oppressive, still defend certain values which have their basis in Jesus's way of acting. Some of those being excessive mercy and sentimentalism, as well as a sense of spiritual individualism and a focus on the weak/meek.
2. Kindness should usually be returned. It builds trust,which allows societies to operate and function. It also spreads goodness, and increases the already small chance of a conversion. An expansion in quantity of the of the in-group, usually increases the fitness of the group itself.
3. I'm not sure a formalized concept is needed already but sure, the more exclusive group should be favored. One should choose family over stranger, Mikraite over non-Mikraite and so on. The formalization of such a rule like that though would necessitate political power.