7 Laws of Noahide / 66 Mitzvos

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7 Laws of Noahide / 66 Mitzvos

This post will be an archive of the 7 Laws of Noahides and the 66 mitzvos associated with the 7 laws taken from internet sources. Different internet sources word the 7 Laws of Noahides and 66 mitzvos differently so this page may read differently than other sources.

Source for 7 Laws of Noahhides in this post
Source for 66 mitzvos in this post

In the source for 66 mitzvos, each of the 66 mitzvos are labeled with a number and then nested under one of the 7 laws. The numbers start sequentially from 1 under each law and end with each law. This makes it difficult to reference mitzvos since some will have duplicate numbers. For ease of use I will modify the mitzvos numbers by adding a number in front of the mitzvos number seperated by a period to indicate the law number. This will make each mitzvos number unique.

1. Do not deny God

1.1 "Against entertaining the thought that there exists a deity except Hashem." (Negative)
1.2 "Against making any graven image [& against having anyone else make one for us]." (Negative)
1.3 "Against making idols for use by others." (Negative)
1.4 "Against making any forbidden statues [even when they are for ornamental purposes]." (Negative)
1.5 "Against bowing to any idol [& not to sacrifice nor to pour libation nor to burn incense before any idol, even where it is not the customary manner of worship to the particular idol]." (Negative)
1.6 "Against worshipping idols in any of their customary manners of worship." (Negative)
1.7 "Against causing our children to pass [through the fire] in the worship of Molech." (Negative)
1.8 "Against practicing Ov." (Negative)
1.9 "Against practicing Yiddoni." (Negative)
1.10 "Against turning to idolatry [in word, in thought, in deed, or by any observance that may draw us to its worship]." (Negative)

2. Do not blaspheme God

2.1 "To acknowledge the existence of G-d." (Positive)
2.2 "To fear G-d." (Positive)
2.3 "To pray to Him." (Positive)
2.4 "To sanctify G-d's name [in face of death, where appropriate]." (Positive)
2.5 "Against desecrating G-d's name [even in face of death, when appropriate]." (Negative)
2.6 "To study the Torah." (Positive)
2.7 "To honor the scholars, and to revere one's teacher." (Positive)
2.8 "Against blaspheming." (Negative)

3. Do not murder

3.1 "Against any person murdering anyone." (Negative)

4. Do not engage in incestuous, adulterous or homosexual relationships

4.1 "Against [a man] having union with his mother." (Negative)
4.2 "Against [a man] having union with his sister." (Negative)
4.3 "Against [a man] having union with the wife of his father." (Negative)
4.4 "Against [a man] having union with another man's wife." (Negative)
4.5 "Against [a man] copulating with a beast." (Negative)
4.6 "Against a woman copulating with a beast." (Negative)
4.7 "Against [a man] lying carnally with a male." (Negative)
4.8 "Against [a man] lying carnally with his father." (Negative)
4.9 "Against [a man] lying carnally with his father's brother." (Negative)
4.10 "Against engaging in erotic conduct that may lead to a prohibited union. [That is, petting by persons whose marriage would be illicit.]" (Negative)

5. Do not steal

5.1 "Against stealing. [i.e., by stealth]" (Negative)
5.2 "Against committing robbery. [i.e., openly]" (Negative)
5.3 "Against shifting a landmark." (Negative)
5.4 "Against cheating." (Negative)
5.5 "Against repudiating a claim of money owed." (Negative)
5.6 "Against overcharging." (Negative)
5.7 "Against coveting." (Negative)
5.8 "Against desiring." (Negative)
5.9 "A laborer shall be allowed to eat of the fruits among which he works [under certain conditions]." (Positive)
5.10 "Against a laborer eating of such fruit [when certain conditions are not met]." (Negative)
5.11 "Against a laborer taking of such fruit home." (Negative)
5.12 "Against kidnapping." (Negative)
5.13 "Against the use of false weights & measures." (Negative)
5.14 "Against the possession of false weights & measures." (Negative)
5.15 "That one shall be exact in the use of weights & measures." (Positive)
5.16 "That the robber shall return [or pay for] the stolen object." (Positive)

6. Do not eat of a live animal

6.1 "Against eating a limb severed from a living animal, beast, or fowl." (Negative)
6.2 "Against eating the flesh of any animal which was torn by a wild beast which, in part, prohibits the eating of such flesh as was torn off an animal while it was still alive." (Negative)

7. Establish courts

7.1 "To appoint judges and officers in each and every community." (Positive)
7.2 "To treat the litigants equally before the law." (Positive)
7.3 "To inquire diligently into the testimony of a witness." (Positive)
7.4 "Against the wanton miscarriage of justice by the court." (Negative)
7.5 "Against the judge accepting a bribe or gift from a litigant." (Negative)
7.6 "Against the judge showing marks of honor to but one litigant." (Negative)
7.7 "Against the judge acting in fear of a litigant's threats." (Negative)
7.8 "Against the judge, out of compassion, favoring a poor litigant." (Negative)
7.9 "Against the judge discriminating against the litigant because he is a sinner." (Negative)
7.10 "Against the judge, out of softness, putting aside the penalty of a mauler or killer." (Negative)
7.11 "Against the judge discriminating against a stranger or an orphan." (Negative)
7.12 "Against the judge hearing one litigant in the absence of another." (Negative)
7.13 "Against appointing a judge who lacks knowledge of the Law." (Negative)
7.14 "Against incrimination by circumstantial evidence." (Negative)
7.15 "Against punishing for a crime committed under duress." (Negative)
7.16 "That the court is to administer the death penalty by the sword [i.e., decapitation]." (Positive)
7.17 "Against anyone taking the law into his own hands to kill the perpetrator of a capital crime." (Negative)
7.18 "To testify in court." (Positive)
7.19 "Against testifying falsely." (Negative)
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Re: 7 Laws of Noahide / 66 Mitzvos

I have read over these laws/mitzvos and here are my comments:

2.3: How is a Noahide supposed to pray?
2.6: I support this but I thought Jews forbade Noahides from studying the Torah.
2.7: Who are considered scholars? If this is advocating granting authority to Rabbis, I'm a little skeptical.

3.1: In a tribal context murder is defined as killing people within your tribe. I agree to not murdering people within my tribe. I don't agree to not killing people outside my tribe. I need the ability to defend myself from people who operate outside the laws of the Talmud, Torah and Noahide laws.

4.10: I don't know what "erotic conduct" or "prohibited union" means.

5.1 ~ 5.8: I support this within my tribe. I don't support this outside my tribe.
5.9 ~ 5.11: I don't know what this means.
5.13 ~ 5.16: I support this within my tribe. I don't support this outside my tribe.
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Re: 7 Laws of Noahide / 66 Mitzvos

In reply to this post by alexanderkristall-meth
I just want remind anyone reading this that the Noahide laws and the Noahide concept is strictly Talmudic and has no basis in the Hebrew Bible.  So obviously it is not part of Biblic Judaism.  We only need to understand it in order to deal with Orthodox Judaism.