reasearch wild life in texas

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reasearch wild life in texas

I want to know how hostile the wild life in Texas is. Below are some questions I have in mind. I would be satisfied with either seeing statistics or getting anecdotal information from someone who lives there. If it's anecdotal information I would want opinions from more than one person. This information should be on the area we're focusing on. So probably around Austin and Dallas.

1) How often do you see snakes?

2) How often do you see venomous snakes?

3) How often do you see spiders (brown recluse, black widow, etc).

4) How often do you see fire ants, mosquitoes, and wasps?

5) How often do you have real problems with the above things? (such as being bitten or attacked)

6) Can you walk outside casually in your garden and not expect to be bitten? Or do you always feel paranoid and need to look around?

7) Are children safe to walk outside unsupervised?

8) How extreme of precautions do you need to take to counter the above things? For example do you need to build a snake fence around your property? Do you need screens on every window? If you accidentally leave a door/window open is it guaranteed that a snake will get into your house? Do you need to fumigate your house every month?

9) Can you have pets like dogs freely run outside or is it guaranteed they will run into a snake and be bitten/killed?

10) Can you have an interesting garden with lots of plants and flowers? Or will this attract snakes since it provides shade? Do you need to have a boring flat backyard with nothing in it?