most people are sheep

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most people are sheep

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Re: most people are sheep

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
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Re: most people are sheep

I don't know if it is good or bad, but it is reality and reality has to be accepted.  Maybe Muhammad recognized this best.
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Re: most people are sheep

Certified sex worker ;P
In reply to this post by fschmidt
Most people can be made to believe in anything, however absurd, that is true.

But actually this is a good thing because it means once you control the media, you control the sheeple.  

Now, all we have to do is make sure that only the good guys get into power, by having rules that see to it that only the good guys get into power.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: most people are sheep

In reply to this post by fschmidt
"I don't know if it is good or bad, but it is reality and reality has to be accepted.  Maybe Muhammad recognized this best. "

That's how i also feel, you see nowadays "Muslems" be like, lets kill Christians and Jews, while such things are not written in the Quran, since it's forbidden to murder, and to follow false doctrines which as not Scripture.

But in fact, this life is a test. If we don't believe, then God will replace us with a new people who will. It's our test, i don't want to call it a simulation. But it's clearly a test, to see, which one will do the best in deeds.

And we want to watch our tongues, lets be like Jesus, the son of Mary, the Messiah. He was there, for the lost sheep, when they were in need.