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This thread is to discuss a meetup in San Diego.  Let's agree on dates.
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Re: meetup

I propose 6/5 - 6/7.

If anyone objects please counter with new date. I'm flexible.
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Re: meetup

I am no longer available 6/5, so I propose 6/12 - 6/14.
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Re: meetup

I can do 6/12 - 6/14.
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Re: meetup

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Re: meetup

I prefer 6/26 to 6/28 but can do both.
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Re: meetup

Peter (pathetic gooner)
In reply to this post by fschmidt
As long as its a weekend it doesn't matter for me
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Re: meetup

In reply to this post by Will
Okay, let's plan on 6/26 to 6/28.
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Re: meetup

Okay so we agree on 6/26 - 6/28.

The things we still need to think through are flight times, lodging, ground transportation, itinerary.

I suggest we talk it over next week after Sabbath.
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Re: meetup

I can get a flight arriving 6/26 at 6:15pm and leaving on 6/28 at 7:00pm.
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Re: meetup

I can do a flight that arrives on 6/26 at 6:05pm and a leaving flight on 6/28 at 6:45pm. I have lots of options with southwest.

But I would prefer to arrive earlier on 6/26. This gives us more time to see each other and also I would prefer to have lodgings taken care of by the time sunset happens. If we plan to sleep in Mexico it takes a while to get to the border. So I don't think arriving at 6:00pm will give us enough time to cross the border and check into hotel. Also, historically, your flight from El Paso has been late every single time we've met up.

So are you guys okay with arriving earlier? Like noon or closer to 3pm?
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Re: meetup

I can arrive at 2:45pm, but if Peter is working that day, he won't be available.
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Re: meetup

Okay let's assume Peter is working on 6/26. I will guess that he leaves the office around 5pm?

How about we aim for arriving at 5pm then? Are you able to get anything for 5pm fschmidt? I can get 4:50pm.
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Re: meetup

Drealm wrote
How about we aim for arriving at 5pm then? Are you able to get anything for 5pm fschmidt? I can get 4:50pm.
I prefer Southwest and with them, the times I mentioned at the only options.
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Re: meetup

fschmidt wrote
I prefer Southwest and with them, the times I mentioned at the only options.

Okay then I suggest the following:

fschmidt do: 2:45pm arrival.

drealm do: 2:35pm arrival (this is my closest time to 2:45pm).

will do: pick a time close to the above.

From here we have three options once we arrive:

1) We sleep in a San Diego for 6/26. We can meet peter whenever he gets out of work.
2) We wait for peter to get out of work then walk over the boarder and sleep in Mexico.
3) We walk over the boarder without peter. peter can meet us in Mexico late or the next day.

I suggest the earliar time, because if the 6:15pm flight from El Paso is late that really screws things up. And flights from Texas are always late.

If we are in agreement on arrival time I will buy 2:35pm arrival ticket tonight. We can discuss where we'll sleep once peter chimes in.
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Re: meetup

Okay with me.  I will buy the tickets when Will confirms.
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Re: meetup

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Re: meetup

Booked my flight, sent the flight itinerary to fschmidt and Will's email. We don't have to do Mexico, I just thought you may like it. No need to book hotel yet, this can be done later.
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Re: meetup

Peter (pathetic gooner)
In reply to this post by alexanderkristall-meth
at the mean time I'll search for a place to hike and hike it myself so we have a good place for the ritual
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Re: meetup

Peter (pathetic gooner)
you can stay at winner circle resort