landing page

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landing page

If we create an ad we will need to link to a page. We can either create a new page, use an existing page as it is or modify an existing page.

I don't want to link to the top level forum: This is bad because people won't know where to go.

I think this page: has promise but I don't expect the average person to know all of these terms: Sabbath, Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, Rabbinic, Talmud, Karaite.  There is also nothing here about weekly meetings. I don't trust people to find other pages at first by clicking "Biblic Judaism" in upper right corner to navigate to top level forum.

My suggestion is we create a new page. The thread can be on top of "What is Biblic Judaism?" and use a name like "Welcome New Visitors". The point of this thread should be to explain the main links and tell that we have a weekly meeting. This is a possible draft for such a new landing page:


Welcome to the Biblic Judaism forum. You probably saw something that peaked your curiosity on facebook, Google or a linked website and have arrived here. You are in the right place. This page gives you an overview of who we are.

Please read the links below to find out more. If you have any questions we can also answer them.

What is Biblic Judaism?

Biblic Judaism has three requirements:

1. Keep the Sabbath
2. Dress Modestly and Have No Tattoos
3. Make the Declaration

We hold weekly online Bible readings on Skype every week. Learn more here:

Online Bible Readings
