anyone agree with Michio Kaku

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anyone agree with Michio Kaku

Peter (pathetic gooner)
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Re: anyone agree with Michio Kaku

I watched 2 minutes, as much as I could stand.  Absolutely everything he said is completely wrong.  So he is a true modern American, a moronic asshole.
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Re: anyone agree with Michio Kaku

Peter (pathetic gooner)
can you elaborate on that?

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 5:49 PM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I watched 2 minutes, as much as I could stand.  Absolutely everything he said is completely wrong.  So he is a true modern American, a moronic asshole.

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Re: anyone agree with Michio Kaku

I can't think of any H-1Bs who did anything of value.  That makes sense since this is a visa of indentured servitude (corporate slavery) and no one would do anything useful in that condition.

Of course this moron misses the whole picture.  Most technology was developed in America by Americans before Americans turned into vile human scum.  This is because America actually had a good culture that valued quality.  I realize that this is almost unimaginable today, but that is how it was and that is why technology was developed here.  The decay of American education is a product of general decay, not a cause of it.  Today there is no decent society/culture/country in the world.  Humanity has turned into pure unadulterated shit, which is why absolutely nothing of value is being produced anymore.
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Re: anyone agree with Michio Kaku

I remember watching this full documentary a while ago on silicon valley:

In one part it said how the first generation had no technical forefathers to rely on, some people came from rural farming backgrounds. It's pretty amazing how they were able figure out how things work with no technical know how. They were all white Americans.
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Re: anyone agree with Michio Kaku

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Maybe the media did not emphasize on or remember those who did...I can think of a few chinese american physicists, like the founder of Jet Propulsion Labs which led to founding of NASA. He was then accused of being a spy and hes virtually unknown

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 8:05 PM, Drealm [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I remember watching this full documentary a while ago on silicon valley:

In one part it said how the first generation had no technical forefathers to rely on, some people came from rural farming backgrounds. It's pretty amazing how they were able figure out how things work with no technical no how. They were all white Americans.

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Re: anyone agree with Michio Kaku

Many foreigners contributed to American technology, but they did this within the context of (old) American culture.  They were not H-1Bs, they were immigrants.
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Re: anyone agree with Michio Kaku

Peter (pathetic gooner)
the idea is that their education is not American. Its that America has the money and the resources to fund their research. Its like the Russian Scientists that defects to USA during the Cold War

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 8:32 PM, fschmidt [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Many foreigners contributed to American technology, but this did this within the context of (old) American culture.  They were not H-1Bs, they were immigrants.

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