Yom Kippur

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Yom Kippur


Yom Kippur starts this Tuesday at sunset and ends Wednesday at sunset.  The instruction from the Old Testament is "It is a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you must practice self-denial; it is a permanent statute." - Leviticus 16:31

Orthodox Jews don't work and don't eat or drink.  They spend the whole day in synagogue praying.  What I do is to only drink water and not eat anything.  I do work on that day and I don't pray.  There is a general issue of how to handle Old Testament holidays.  For me, doing enough to remember the purpose of the holiday is enough, and being hungry fulfills that here.
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Re: Yom Kippur

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Re: Yom Kippur

The purpose of holidays is to be shared experience for the community to help bind the community together.  In the description of Yom Kippur in Leviticus 16, you plural is used in Hebrew which shows that this is meant for a group.

When I wrote the previous post, I thought that followers of the Old Testament could form a Mikraite group which could share Old Testament holidays.  This didn't work, we don't have enough people.  So now I attend mosque and that is my group.  Based on this, I expected not to keep Yom Kippur this year.  But to my surprise, I discovered at jumah today that Islam also keeps Yom Kippur which they call Ashura.  So I guess I will continue to keep Yom Kippur / Ashura based on my association with Islam.