Would you marry a widow?

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Would you marry a widow?

Question for those of you that are 30+

Would you marry a widow? The widow is a virtuous woman and she was only ever with her now deceased husband.

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Re: Would you marry a widow?

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Would you marry a widow?

So you would be willing to consider a childless widow?

However, a widow with children is not even up for consideration. What if the children are independent adults?
Hypothetically, the women had two children at age 19 and 21 and she is now 39 years old. The kids are out of the house and earning their own money. Is this something you would consider?  
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Re: Would you marry a widow?

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Would you marry a widow?

I do share some sentiments with you.

The purpose of my question is to get an understanding of the mood of men who are deemed old in the marriage market.