Why was the girl nervous?

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Why was the girl nervous?

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Re: Why was the girl nervous?

 Does she think I was trying to hit on her or rape her? <-- What is this nonsense. It's like americans live too well and invent problems.

You should try to go to Russia/Eastern Europe and see how openly sexist racist and whatever people are without any problems.
I see no problem with that. Basically from your writing what happens in USA is like neurosis where everyone including you is walking on eggshells not to offend anyone. Don't be like them.

Who gives a shit if she was nervous, maybe you wanted to have sex, so you probe the situation. What's wrong with that?
This overthinking sounds for me like some psy op they give to men/all people in order to make then insecure and more easily exploitable.

You are not second class citizen stop acting to the societal gaslighting model. Yes I have seen the women who view selves like they are above men in status. You can still make fun of them - you are smart, avoid write ups and stop walking on eggshells.

Why the girl was nervous?
Maybe you were nervous in previous convos with her - what my life data says is that women reflect emotions very hard.
I could feel sad and woman I talk to feels sad too. I could cry near some man and he will be like - wanna solve the problem?

What I dislike is putting women's random emotions on the such high pedestal.
I know the western culture cares about not offending special snowflakes.
But this attitude robs the man of his masculinity/energy/focus.
Its like implied subordination to the social rules defined my the feminine agency - man lose his agency in the process.

Imagine if you were totally in man's group. The rules are totally different. It's all direct talk. No nonsense.
But now we are forced to feminize ourselves in order to not be thrown away from the job markets - screw that.
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Re: Why was the girl nervous?

hackerman wrote
Imagine if you were totally in man's group. The rules are totally different. It's all direct talk. No nonsense.
Not in the West.  Here in America, both sexes are total scum, and the men are probably worse than the women.  Americans just need to be exterminated.