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The Old Testament describes the ethics of a community.  So without a community to apply Old Testament ethics to, one cannot follow the Old Testament.  One cannot follow the Old Testament alone.

We tried to form a stand-alone Mikraite community.  This failed, we could not reach critical mass.

This means that to follow the Old Testament, one must choose an existing community to join where Old Testament ethics can be applied.  I have looked at all the current options, and I have found Islam to be the only practical option.  Islam is the only religion that globally resists the evils of modern culture.  The core values of Islam have much in common with the values of the Old Testament.

So I have chosen to follow the Old Testament under Islam.  This does not mean converting to Islam and becoming Muslim.  It means participating in my local mosque and generally supporting Islam as a non-Muslim.  I hope to provide more details in this forum.

I am just starting on the path of following the Old Testament under Islam, but I will write my thoughts and modify them as I learn more.  My plan is to try to integrate Old Testament ideas with Islamic practices.  I will start with the Five Pillars of Islam.
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Re: Why

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Re: Why

qwerty wrote
In what ways will we support Islam
I don't know exactly, but I will have to think it through when I get to the 3rd pillar of Islam.