Why the Right will lose

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Why the Right will lose

In the West, the Left and Right have irreconcilable differences that I expect to lead to civil war in America.  And I expect the Right to lose this war.  Let's look at the two sides.

The Left has three components.  First are the stupid masses.  Then there is the sociopathic elite.  And finally the Jews.  To see how these work together, consider covid-19.  Only the stupid believe that covid-19 is a serious disease.  The sociopathic elite take advantage of this to take power and to abolish the rule of law.  And the Jews support this because corruption allows them to more easily exploit the country.  Black Lives Matter is another example of the same concept.

The Right is basically the remnant of old America, people who support the rule of law and the Constitution.  While these things are good, the Right fails to understand that it was religion that made these things possible.  Many on the Right are also white nationalists.

Currently the Left is in power and is trying to destroy the Right.  Let's consider two wars - first in technology and then a shooting war.

The Left dominates technology which it uses to censor the Right.  The Right complains endlessly about this but does nothing.  I have posted a solution for the Right, but they did nothing.  So the reason why the Right loses to the Left in technology is both lack of intelligence and lack of will.

If both sides had equal intelligence and equal will, then the Right would be beat the Left in a shooting war.  This is because the Right has far more guns.  But I expect the Left to win because the Right lacks intelligence and will.  Both the sociopathic elite and the Jews of the Left have both intelligence and will.  But when I posted a proposal to organize the Right, the responses showed both lack of will and lack of intelligence.  So in a shooting war, I would expect the Left to be organized and effective, led by intelligent sociopaths and Jews.  The Right, lacking intelligence and will, will be disorganized and ineffective, and will lose.
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Re: Why the Right will lose

Peter (pathetic gooner)
If I can get the Japan job I will be voting for Joe Biden. Doing anything else would just slow the inevitable demise.