Why only Arkianism matters to me

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Why only Arkianism matters to me

In the 200s BC Aristarchus of Samos invented heliocentric cosmology.  But by this time, the Greeks were already in decline, so the people were just too stupid to appreciate what he had done.  It wasn't until the 1500s AD that heliocentrism was considered again.  And what made this possible was that various eugenic forces had lifted European intelligence to a level where people could again have sound judgement.  The point of this story is that great ideas are utterly worthless in a populations of morons, and humanity has again become universally moronic, so great ideas currently have absolutely no value.

What is one's legacy after death?  One's genes and one's ideas.  I see nothing else.  In my personal case, I have had a few significant ideas, but people are mostly just too stupid to understand them.  In the realm of programming, I came up with a significantly better parsing method and a better approach to thread safety.  In the realm of human history and society, I came up with a better explanation of the decline of civilizations and a solution to this problem.  Of course the solution is Arkianism.  And of my ideas, this is the only one that matters because without a eugenic solution, both my genes and my ideas are doomed.
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

tits > ass
What's your opinion on kids with good genes and exceptional abilities being born from moronic parents? It happens at a certain frequency.
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

Evolution is probabilistic.  It is less likely for kids with good genes to be born from moronic parents than from good parents.

Of course Arkians are an ethnicity, not a race, the difference being that race is strictly genetic while ethnicity includes culture and other aspects of a coherent group.  So Arkians should benefit not just from better genes but also from a better culture.
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

tits > ass
How are they going to get rid of the otherwise aggressive, hostile morons that don't take the vaccine? Do Arkians have a solution for those as well?
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

The goal of Arkianism isn't to fix humanity, it is just to create one good group.  What happens with the rest of humanity isn't my concern.
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

tits > ass
When Arkians get attacked by crowds of morons, do you have a solution? Do Arkians have a self-defense system, martial arts, legal methods, etc.?
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

The Old Testament covers this issue.  There are 2 basic strategies.  One is to live far away from the morons, this being the Anabaptist strategy.  The other is to ally with the elite against the moronic masses, this being the Jewish strategy.
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

tits > ass
If the 1st one is not possible and the 2nd one is dismissed for moral reasons, what kind of defense is left?
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Re: Why only Arkianism matters to me

I can't think of anything else.  The Old Testament position is that one of the two options is always available, and that when the first option isn't available, it is because societies have become so evil that the second option is morally justified.