Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

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Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

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Re: Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

People can only get lucky from consensual sex.
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Re: Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

Consent is one of the requirements to be a free individual. Humans deserve to be free individuals. What is a social construct is you deciding that they should give up their body only at the advantage of the rapist.
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Re: Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

Allen cocksucker
Banned User
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Re: Why are all the rape victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war of advanced age?

You as well. Can you confirm your tropes with logic? I can confirm mine.