Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Certified sex worker ;P
Not being a slave, I do not have an owner. The remedy to matriarchy is patriarchy and I am advocating its restoration.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Certified sex worker ;P
Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents wanting to properly parent their legitimate offspring, but we are a matriarchy prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.  

Married parents must be privileged over non-parents while unmarried parents are treated as sex offenders by http://quran.com/24/2

Would you agree that this is the only way to protect and maintain the patriarchy?
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Certified sex worker ;P
Have I said anything untrue, illogical or immoral?

You seem quite unable to talk about anything else other than repeatedly harp on about my being female, as if there is nothing else to talk about.

Where did you acquire your hatred of women?
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Allen cocksucker
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Re: Why Religions Fail

Certified sex worker ;P
I am bemused at your inability to cite what you think I have said that is untrue, illogical or immoral. It would appear that it doesn't matter what I say at all, it is the fact that I am female that makes you spit blood and see red.
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

umit wrote
İ am not interested in being Arkian...but if İ would...İ would lose interest very quickly because of you guys...and be highly ashamed to be a part of this group.
I am the only Arkian here.  This forum is a general discussion forum, not an Arkian forum.

İ am sorry Franklin. İ know you as a decent guy...but this group here...is not it.
No forum is ideal.  I am the most banned person here, and one of the most banned people on the internet.  The mainstream just hates my ideas.  Is a forum like islamicboard better?  I am censored there.  So I lean against censorship here because of my experience.  Maybe you could start a free speech Muslim forum that requires good manners but doesn't restrict the expression of ideas.  I would support such a forum.
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

Certified sex worker ;P
umit wrote
They all have their own ideas and are not interested in each others ideas. They just want to promote their own, and when confronted with critics, they start to turn nasty. just a bunch of toxic people arguing for the sake of arguing...no valuable content.
I am taking comments from critics, but you are more interested in venting than in trying to understand anyone else's ideas or position.  
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism
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Re: Why Religions Fail

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Re: Why Religions Fail

Certified sex worker ;P
umit wrote
I haven't quite figured out yet, what kind of person you are.
I mean...you hate christianism and feminism...you promote patriarchy along with theocracy and the Quraan as a lawbook...
Which means that you want a country ruled by one man by the rules of sharia if I am correct.
But then again you call yourself secular which implicates that religion and politics should be separated...but you ARE pointing to the Quraan.
You do believe in the truth of the Quraan, but you still call yourself a non-muslim.
I think a non-Muslim promoting sharia is a more eloquent message of support for Islam than just another Muslim saying sharia should also be for the rest of the world, don't you think?

I am just a moral and political philosopher and a social and political scientist who sees that we cannot maintain morality without religion.

If Westerners need a new religion, they might as well choose the best available guide to humanity.  

Even as Islamophobes try to deny Islam as the only real rational and moral choice, they cannot as a group agree on a better guide to humanity because most Islamophobes are confused Christians, ex-Christians or atheists. Those who think the Torah is better would be observant Jews who make up only half of world Jewry. Jews are less than 1% of the total global population.

Islam has already won all the arguments, so the next step must be to make this undeniable to the objective bystander in rival empires such as China, Iran and Russia who do not agree with Transnational Progressivism - another word for the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah that would attract the same punishment if God exists. If God does not exist, such policies would only accelerate the decline and degeneracy of the West.
Restoring Truth, Logic and Morality with Secular Koranism