Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

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Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

This may be true in the short term, meaning the next generation.  But what about the long term?  If homosexuality has a genetic component then tolerating homosexuality removes some of these genes in each generation.  But suppressing homosexuality would prevent these genes from being removed and so the genetic pressure for homosexuality would increase.  And eventually one would expect an explosion of homosexuality like we see in the West today.  (The West was particularly intolerant of homosexuality in the recent past.)  So this implies that discouraging homosexuality is not effective in the long term, and may be harmful because society can better tolerate a small number of homosexuals in each generation than an explosion of homosexuals.
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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

Homosexuality is well defined.  "Bad with women" is not.  Traits that made one bad with women in a promiscuous culture may make one successful with women in a different culture like one with arranged marriages.  And one doesn't want to select out traits that support a good culture like lack of seduction.  Homosexuality doesn't support a good culture, so it isn't needed.  So I still don't think the analogy works.
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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

There is another difference.  A culture that entirely loses seduction genes is sustainable.  But a society that becomes increasingly disposed to homosexuality is not sustainable because eventually they will push for homosexuality to be accepted and you will have the homosexual explosion.  And this doesn't depend on homosexuality being entirely genetic.  If it is even partially genetic then this will happen.
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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

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Re: Why LGBTQ is dysgenic

This is a good question - Why should homosexuality spread faster than heterosexuality?  One possible argument for bisexuality would be that this is simply the loss of a strong selection instinct, so spreads for the same reason that stupidity spreads faster than intelligence when there is no selection.  Or maybe homosexuality is linked to some other trait that has some advantage.  But I see no reason to assume that this would be K-selectedness.