Why Alt-Tech Sucks

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Why Alt-Tech Sucks

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"Alt-tech" is a misnomer.  It isn't actually alternative technology, it is alternative politics.  It should be called "right-tech" because it is the same technology, just used to serve the right.  And this is the problem.

What do I mean by alt-tech sucks?  I need to give a specific example with details to explain, so I will use YouTube alternatives.  So here they are:  BitChute sucks because its core function, video streaming, sucks.  Videos often stall or don't play at all.  And BitChute's search sucks.  BitChute is a technical failure.  Rumble sucks because their feed/subscriptions page isn't sorted by date.  Here we see typical modern tech thinking.  Some techno-scum at Rumble thought up some pointless innovation for sorting that actually ruins the site and makes it totally useless.  And finally Odysee sucks because they require a password so complex to sign up that I couldn't produce one.  This reflects modern techno-scum's obsession with security in places where security doesn't matter at all.  Modern techno-scum, even on the right, hate individual freedom, so they refuse to give users the freedom to choose their own password.  And of course they can't be bothered with making things easier for users by, for example, generating a password for the user.  Since Odysee obviously hates the end user, I won't use Odysee.

This is just one example, but all alt-tech is the same.  Reddit alternatives are just as bad.  All alt-tech is horrible crap without one single exception.  So why is this?

The problem with alt-tech is the general problem with the Right.  They miss the core issue.  The core issue is not politics.  The core issue is culture.  Modern western culture is pure evil.  All of its members are vile human scum and everything that it produces is disgusting crap.  The reason that God commanded to Israelites to destroy everything they found in conquered Canaanite cities is because Canaanite culture was evil, so everything they produced was crap.  Modern western culture deserves the same fate as the Canaanites.  The people should be exterminated and everything that this culture has produced should be destroyed.  But here I should clarify what I mean by "this culture".

Western culture was a great culture when it was Christian.  It peaked in the late 1700s in the Enlightenment.  Religious decay began in the mid-1800s and this produced cultural decay beginning in the 1920s.  This culture died around 2000 and is now post-Christian.  Rigor mortis began in 2020 with the covid lockdown.  So by "this culture" I am referring to post-Christian western culture beginning some time between 2000 and 2010.

In the long term, God solves all problems by destroying what is evil.  Or in atheistic terms, what is evil is dysfunctional and ultimately this dysfunctionality causes failure.  So how will this apply to software?

The ability of programmers to maintain and improve software is roughly intelligence/complexity (intelligence of programmers divided by complexity of software).  Human intelligence is dropping rapidly both because modern culture is dysgenic and because modern culture is bad for the mental development of children.  The world average IQ of 82 is simply too low to do programming.  America was the center of programming, but as Americans become stupider, America just imports smarter people from abroad.  

Software complexity is increasing even faster than human intelligence is falling.  This is because complexity is the product of evil, and evil is increasing at a very rapid rate.  In addition, the greatest evil is found where the most software is produced.  I doubt that any place in human history contained more evil than Silicon Valley has today.  And this evil is manifested in the software that Silicon Valley produces.  All of it is horrible over-complicated crap.  To see what I mean, go to a google search result and view the source of the web page.  You don't need to be a programmer to recognize that this is over-complicated gibberish.

These two factors, falling intelligence and increasing complexity, will cause software to fail in the not too distant future.  And this is how God will end the horror of modern western software.  But what will replace it?  Unfortunately the prospects don't look good, but I will discuss the alternatives listed here.

Most Muslims are just too stupid to program.  They think that following the sunnah of Muhammad means copying his trivial actions instead of trying to follow Muhammad's state of mind.  Muhammad was intelligent, so anyone who seriously wants to follow the example of Muhammad should work to develop his intelligence.  But this is something that most Muslims do not do.  I am sure that Muhammad would have made a great programmer if that is what he chose to do (assuming he lived in modern times).  But today's average Muslim is just too stupid, so Muslims are not serious option for good programming.

The next alternative is the Right which I already covered.  They are simply part of modern culture, so they are evil and so they produce over-complicated software while being part of a dysgenic culture with declining intelligence.  The Right is hopeless.

Next are the Japanese.  They have never been very good programmers because they are generally communal and emphasize harmony while programming is basically a solitary activity that requires independent thinking.  Ruby is the best Japanese software that I know of.  It has a clean design reflecting this positive aspect of Japanese culture.  But it has too many features reflecting that Japanese inability to say "no" and to compromise instead for the sake of harmony.  What is needed now is a violent reactionary revolution against modern complexity, and this is something that the Japanese cannot do.

The last group I discussed are the Chinese.  They have the opposite problem of the Muslims.  The Muslims have protection against evil because of their religion, so Muslims generally do not produce pointless complexity.  The Chinese have no effective religion against evil.  So they blindly accept whatever garbage they are taught, and they are currently taught the ideas of evil western programming.  Chinese software is not as complicated as western software because the Chinese are not evil in their souls the way Westerners are, but Chinese software is not good either because they have no religion that guides them toward the good.

So where are we now?  I would say that we are metaphorically in the time of Noah.  Almost all living programmers are evil scum who need to be washed away.  I am the Noah of programming and my job is to build an ark to save software.  My ark is Luan.  Luan is designed to account for declining intelligence.  It is extremely simple to use so that even as human intelligence declines, Luan can still be used to write and maintain software.  When modern software fails because of its complexity, Luan will be an alternative solution, a true alt-tech for the future.

I don't take the story of Noah literally, but it is still a great story worth contemplating.  Imagine how the people at the time of Noah would have viewed his work on the ark.  They would have considered him insane.  And it is the same for me.  But this doesn't bother me.  I recognize that modern humanity is scum and their views are worthless.  I can learn what is good by studying history, science, and religion, and by ignoring modern scum.  And I can apply this knowledge to my programming.

To build a solid ark, I need to make sure that Luan doesn't depend on any weak parts.  Since all of modern software is over-complicated crap, I have been gradually replacing Java libraries with my own code in my goodjava library.  I am now working on replacing javax.mail which is yet another example of horrible modern software.  Once this is replaced I will only have Lucene to deal with, and I am not sure what should be done here.  In any case, Luan is quite solid since I have removed most dependencies.  I also need to reduce my dependency on Nginx for web serving, treating it strictly as a caching reverse proxy.  Then I can make the web hosting piece of Luan open source.  At that point, Luan will be a fully functional ark for any programmer who wants to escape the disaster of horrible modern software.
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Re: Why Alt-Tech Sucks

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Some interesting points you brought up which both of us found the common grounds on.

1. I had the misfortune of being an equipment vendor at martial arts tournament. I found that people who buys the stuff have the natural tendency to gravitate towards inferior products even when the cost with the superior products are the same. Even when I tend to recommend a better product, they’ll insist on the bad one.

2. I noticed too that Mohammed acted far more like a prophet of the OT, than the modern definition of the “ideal Muslim”

3. It is also funny you brought up the Noah comparison as I recently thought of the same thing. I often thought that we can be like Moses, lead a community to survive and “escape” modernity but most of humanity is too far gone. Our enemies like the education system, news media and the entertainment industry have infinite wealth and have influenced the people beyond point of no return.

we need to act like Noah and Lot. Survive the dark days thats rapidly approaching. We do not have the resources or the ability to be like Moses
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Re: Why Alt-Tech Sucks

The example of Moses makes sense when not everyone is scum.  And I still think this is the case for humanity in general where there still seem to be a few decent people.  But when it comes to programmers, it seems that they are almost all scum, so the example of Noah applies here.