What do you think about the whole world being punished or destroyed?

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What do you think about the whole world being punished or destroyed?

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Re: What do you think about the whole world being punished or destroyed?

This isn't in the Old Testament, so not my concern.
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Re: What do you think about the whole world being punished or destroyed?

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Re: What do you think about the whole world being punished or destroyed?

tits > ass
In reply to this post by SkydustMemory
Anyone who thinks that they are strongly connected to things that's been said in the Middle East a couple thousand years ago are fooled by the kind of people from whom the whole religious crap originates from.

People are part of what they call "God", only people got so stupid that they forgot it. The world is infinite and it's impossible to destroy it. Anything that says something along those lines is either symbolic or hogwash.
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Re: What do you think about the whole world being punished or destroyed?

tits > ass
In reply to this post by SkydustMemory
SkydustMemory wrote
But what about the law that all material is finite?
That's a Kabbalist law called Tzimtzum, in which the infinite, eternal God called Ain Soph or Ein Sof creates the finite universe. I don't share that view. There is only the eternal, infinite world aka "God", and everything that's apparently finite is a transitional state.