What do you guys think on this?

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What do you guys think on this?

Peter (pathetic gooner)

Since OpenAI has open source codes on GITHub have anyone checked them out?
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Re: What do you guys think on this?

I didn't think that they would be able to get AI to work, and I was clearly wrong there.  But their AI doesn't work like our brains because their neurons have nothing in common with our neurons.  Our neurons are designed to find the simplest generalization of inputs, so simplicity is wired in from the start.  AI only tries to replicate patterns in any way possible, so it has no bias for simplicity.  Of course modern scum reject simplicity on a religious/cultural level, so modern scum are much like AI.  But productive cultures value simplicity because simplicity is needed to make advances without drowning in complexity.  If AI is used to update itself, it will add complexity until it stops working.  Another problem is that AI is based on internet data, and the quality of this data is declining as modern culture declines.  So as AI absorbs more and more depraved data, it will decline in quality.