What computer to buy

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What computer to buy

Allen cocksucker
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Re: What computer to buy

Not sure what's best for programming. In design work large screens make a big difference. For desktop I would go with 27" imac. For mobile I would go with 15" macbookpro. If I only had one option and I moved around regularly I would go with macbookpro. Right now I have a macbookair, but I only use it for traveling.
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Re: What computer to buy

In reply to this post by Allen cocksucker
I have a MacBook Pro 15".
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Re: What computer to buy

Allen cocksucker
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Re: What computer to buy

Allen cocksucker
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Re: What computer to buy

Where would you get a previous model?  The important thing is to be able to bring your computer into an Apple Store when you have problems.
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Re: What computer to buy

Allen cocksucker
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Re: What computer to buy

A macbook air is smaller and lighter, which I like for traveling. It's also less powerful but probably meets requirements.