Were kids always this mean?

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Were kids always this mean?

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Re: Were kids always this mean?

Have you read Lord of the Flies?
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Re: Were kids always this mean?

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Re: Were kids always this mean?

It's not about adults, just children.  The point is that humans are a rather nasty species and are only civilized through a proper upbringing.  So basically most children are beasts who are gradually trained to behave in good cultures.
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Re: Were kids always this mean?

tits > ass
In dense, civilized, urbanized societies, being an immoral, nasty beast aids survival, since fellow humans are the usual obstacles.

In pre-civilized, sparse hunter-gatherer groups, being moral is key to survival, because the main obstacle is nature itself.

In today's overpopulated era, the former, faster breeding species greatly outnumber the latter kind (r-selection vs. K-selection).