Understanding Customers

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Understanding Customers

The most important part of business is understanding your customers.  In today's world, your customers will be modern human scum.  So let us consider the relevant consumer characteristics of modern human scum.

Modern human scum are stupid.  They will not understand a useful new idea.  So forget about innovation, it won't sell.  But on the plus side, modern human scum are easily scammed.

Modern human scum have no sense of quality.  So forget about making a better product, it won't sell.  But modern human scum are trendy, so if you have a good sense of evil, you may be able to create a new trendy product.

Modern human scum are cheap.  So price is key.  If you can sell into an existing market at a cheaper price, you have a winner.  And it makes no difference how much you cut quality to do this.

The nature of business is determined by the nature of the consumer.  Capitalists will just do whatever works as determined by the consumer.  The most successful businesses today are scams, banking being a prime example, or are trendy, or are based on selling cheap, like Walmart.  A capitalist who innovates or focuses on quality will fail.  Similarly, a politician who tells the truth won't be elected.

Who is responsible for the current state of affairs?  Religious leaders are responsible for values, which leads to a sense of quality.  And educators are responsible for intellectual development.  Religious leaders and educators are responsible for the state of the masses, and they have failed.
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Re: Understanding Customers

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Hilary Clinton 2016...

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Will [via Mikraite] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Nice summary, frank! I can think of so many concrete examples.

For example, another wisdom says that fear, greed, vanity, exclusivity is what drive people to buy, and this is exaclty what scam is about.

Innovation, same as trendy. The entire social media is just trendy.

Ecommerce, same as cheap.

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