Trump the Adulterer

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Trump the Adulterer

Trump is an adulterer.  As a follower of the Old Testament, I don't care about Trump having extramarital sex.  That isn't adultery by the Old Testament definition.  His multiple divorces are questionable by Old Testament standards.  But for his sex with married women, Trump should be stoned to death.

Bragging About His ‘Experiences’ With Married Women. In Trump: The Art Of The Comeback, Trump writes, “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller (which it will be anyway!).”
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Re: Trump the Adulterer

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Re: Trump the Adulterer

As long as he produces healthy children and healthy families it doesn't matter much. A lot of elites exchange wives and other such things. It even happens a lot in Judaism. It is just that people generally keep quiet about it and it isn't advertised publicly. I don't think it is a big threat to monogamous culture. It is radically different from Africa where a man tries to have as many wives as possible or extremely promiscuous ghetto culture. In the least, these people tend to cheat with people who are of similar race and social class as themselves and rarely have any children from these unions as they are smart enough not to do that.

It is rather negative if a man starts to focus his energies on trying to attract as many women as possible rather than living effectively (the pea cock effect). But this generally isn't happening. It is negative if there are children born out of these unions but that too is uncommon. If in the rare even this does happen generally they have slept with someone of the same "tribe" so the children conform with the rest of the family. Trump is likely sleeping with other rich white people who probably have similar business activities, as an example. Wealthy Jews sleep with wives of other wealthy Jews. As well, the sex is infrequent. Rather they savor the "conquest" for years, enjoy the chase etc. In ghetto culture men just stick themselves into any hole that is willing and women do similar. They pop out a ton of babies and don't even know who the father is. The babies are often every color of the rainbow. It doesn't lead to functional families, and leads to dysgenic pressures. By contrast, what Trump does is not really a big threat. It isn't encouraged, but you also must practice pleasure in order to create a lust for life. You should try to be as reasonably happy as you can be so long as it doesn't hurt anyone and doesn't threaten the genetic health of the community (or harm the community in any way). There are some grey areas.
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Re: Trump the Adulterer

I think you are missing the point.  Please reread my original post.