Traditional martial arts in the modern era, Chinese people and Chinese culture killed Chinese martial arts

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Traditional martial arts in the modern era, Chinese people and Chinese culture killed Chinese martial arts

Peter (pathetic gooner)
I am a martial arts practitioner. I reject modernity and thus I believe in that traditional styles should be practiced within the historical context. This sets me apart from most Chinese martial arts practitioners who were completely modernized. This also created irreconcilable differences between me and my own teacher.

He was an accomplished practitioner in his own right, but he succumbed to modernity and made drastic compromises to training methods for the sake of business.

Over these six years I disputed numerous times with him which left me traumatized. There are way too many factors to list in detail here, but having a none modern view caused me to be alienated from the so called “Kungfu” community. I am not one of them. My goals and training purpose do not overlap with theirs.