The Dollar Bubble

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The Dollar Bubble

The value of a currency depends on its reputation.  Reputation is a lagging indicator, it reflects the past, not the present.  When something with a good reputation goes bad, it takes a while for its reputation to reflect this.

America was a great country that produced a lot.  Now America is a cesspool that produces almost nothing of value.  Add to this the endless money (dollar) printing by the federal reserve, and the collapse of the dollar is inevitable.  There is no way to know when this will happen, but that it will happen is a certainty.

So the world is currently in a dollar bubble where not only is the dollar overvalued, but everything that the dollar supports is also overvalued.  What does the dollar support?  Basically everything that dollar holders invest dollars into.  Dollar holders are mostly Americans, so this means investments that Americans like.  And what do Americans like?  Since Americans are evil depraved scum, they generally like bad things, things of no real value.  They also like speculative things regardless of their value, because Americans are optimistic and want to get rich quick.

A perfect example is Bitcoin.  Bitcoin investors imagine that Bitcoin is an alternative to the dollar.  But actually the opposite is true, Bitcoin is part of the dollar bubble.  As Americans get some of the dollars that are endlessly printed, they put them into Bitcoin and this drives up Bitcoin's price.  When the dollar collapses, there will be no more dollars going into Bitcoin and instead Bitcoin holders will sell Bitcoin to buy the things that they can no longer afford in dollars.  And this will cause Bitcoin to collapse.  So Bitcoin will continue to increase in price until the dollar collapse, and Bitcoin will then collapse along with the dollar.

Another example is Tesla.  In the long term, Tesla's stock price will reflect the value of the company, and I have no idea what the long term value of Tesla will be.  But in the short term, the value of the company is irrelevant.  Tesla stock is currently priced high only because it is a popular speculative investment, and again this is fueled by dollar printing.  When the dollar collapses, investors will become conservative and avoid risk, so Tesla stock price will drop dramatically.  At this time, conservative investments will do best.

I think the global elite are well aware of all this.  Their solution is the great reset.  They plan to replace the dollar with a digital currency.  Presumably this digital currency will be limited in supply somehow since no one will trust pure fiat money after the dollar collapse.  But this limited supply means that the global elite can't endlessly produce buying power to buy off all of the world's politicians as they do now.  And this is why the global elite are in such a rush to take over the world now while they have unlimited wealth.  I believe that the global elite cannot succeed in this, and that after the dollar collapse the global elite will just become the western elite, nothing more.  The West will be an oppressive totalitarian cesspool ruled by its elite aristocracy, but the rest of the world will become free from the West.

I look forward to the dollar collapse.  It will end the power of the depraved West.  It will increase the price of things of real value, and will end speculative investments.  The best things that one can do to prepare for the dollar collapse are to move out of the West and to be involved with a business that has real value.
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Re: The Dollar Bubble

Peter (pathetic gooner)
Unfortunately my supposed schedule to go to Japan got delayed for an unknown time due to them shutting the borders
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Re: The Dollar Bubble

tits > ass