Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

Who'd have said that this world-known "genius" scientist thinks in a very populistic-leftist way, politically.

I was shocked when a friend of mine, whom I consider very wise, called him "ignorant" - now I understand.

Being a good theoretical physicist doesn't exclude your thinking in other areas can and will be a disaster. This silly article of his indicates that scientists can be as bad at political and philosophical thinking as rock singers and artists.

I will not listen to Hawking for politics. I consider that article simplistic and silly and I can barely believe he wrote it.

Also, famous people must serve the establishment and its political orientation, which nowadays is "liberal democracy".

Final rating: 4/10 - Hawking's political thinking isn't good enough.

Also, how USELESS is this article and his "call" to whatever? Is he using his fame to actually make a political difference? Does anybody actually change his behavior because of this article? he could do much better, but to do so, he should first be POLITICALLY INCORRECT, because by staying in the limits of correctedness you simply can't say anything relevant. Obviously he feels he can't risk ruining his reputation by doing so. Nobody insults Hawking, and his illness helps. If he looked normal, more people would call him ignorant/idiot as he can well be.

I'm also not sure theoretical physics is all that useful. People respect these weirdos because they know certain principles better than most. I guess that's knowledge and intelligence, so what? I know more of music and art than him, that's knowledge too. Scientists aren't more intelligent just because they're scientists. They simply have a cultural allure of grandiosity and mistery surrounding them that makes them invulnerable to criticism. In a nutshell, science itself is overrated in our times. This is probably fault of the "Enlightenment" movement. I'm all for Reason, but first one needs to define "Reason". Science isn't the whole of reason, atheist scientists arrogantly think so.

Trump's thinking and campaign is more useful/impactful than his, and that is not because Hawking is more enlightened and people don't understand him. "Let's stay together, let's unite"...what stupid drivel.

"Unity" has always meant marxism/communism. Elite academia is leftist leaning towards actual communism. I don't know all of what is happening behind closed doors but that they're left leaning and not perfect is all too clear.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

In reply to this post by Will
That we are living in "dangerous" critical times of uncertainty is something any Cosmopolitan journalist understands. It's truly pathetic that Hawkings repeats such obvious, nothing can be more pointless. That article is to me a waste of bandwidth.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

In reply to this post by Bjorn
My father was a theoretical physicist and he said that Stephen Hawking is overrrated just because he looks unusual.  Stephen Hawking hasn't made any significant contributions to physics.  So I wouldn't blame this liberal nonsense on theoretical physicists in general.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Modern academia is liberal as far as I see. I was not singling out
physicists. Even old conservative Universities seem to have been infected
by the leftist virus. It's modernity at work.  Not a prerogative of
physicists, I've never meant to say that!

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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

There used to be some seriously conservative academics.  In theoretical physics, Edward Teller comes to mind.  But modern academics are a joke.  Not only are they all liberal but none of them can do anything of significance in basic science.  There has been no progress in basic science for several decades.  This is because we are now living in a liberal idiocracy.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Absolutely true.

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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Inequality is the reality of life. There is no equality in nature and life.
Equality is bullshit.

It's all regular leftist drivel.

Inequality is JUSTICE. Men aren't equal. Men don't have the same value. The
problem isn't inequality. The problem is that the BEST ones should be on
top, and the worst ones at the bottom. Certainly there is not such perfect
justice in the world right now. But people aren't "equal", most are morons
and a few stand out. Everything else is delusion

The problem is precisely this fucking myth of equality, which spurs from
ignorance and envy. HUMANS AREN'T EQUAL! They differ in value in every
single aspect.

Justice is that the best and most moral should be kings, and filthy
scumbags should be executed. Equality is abhorrent nonsense.

Again: nature and life are meant to be based upon HIERARCHY and INEQUALITY.
You can't dispute with that point, it's fact. So, fuck equality and
egalitarianism, leftism and liberalism. That is the only true problem in
the world now: that inferior people don't accept they are so, and put down
the superior because they're miserable envious narcissistic arrogant fucks.
The enemy of the world is most people, as they certainly aren't "good" (if
you think they are you have low standards and are among them).

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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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In reply to this post by Will
I have no respect for money. I don't think money determines the value of a
man. Yet I'm the first to observe that most poor people are so because
they're fucking stupid and totally deserve it. I also see that wealthy
people, with the exception of many of the "new rich" in a certain situation
(eg the stereotypical new rich in corrupt countries like Russia), did EARN
and DESERVE their wealth somehow as they did something right in life.

Anyhow I don't look at wealth in determining the value of a man, but what's
essential and indisputable is that people aren't equal; there is hierarchy.

There are only two kinds of people; those who want hierarchy and order and
the proto-anarchist scumbags who don't deserve to be mentioned, they must
only be killed.

Law vs lawlessness. Good vs evil. This is the age of lawlessness according
to several spiritual traditions, and the cure is law, hierarchy, order, and
what most people refer to as "fascism", "dictatorship", "horrific evil
nightmare" and the sorts.

Democracy is shit.

Once we realize people are everything but equal, it's time to use mind,
science and spirit to determine who is superior and who is below. That's
another pair of sleeves. But if you like Hawkings think "inequality" is the
problem, you are victim of nonsense leftist brainwashing.

I don't consider myself prototypically conservative either; I just see that
modern liberalism is evil. That is fact ogni naivete or evil itself can

I don't have the ultimate answers and I don't know what should be done, but
what should NOT be done is all to clear: liberal democracy is the way to a
worthless society that produces little of value, does not EVOLVE as it
should and is beyond decadent, the one we are living in.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Good to the good, bad to the bad. What concerns me is making sure the good
gets the good and the bad the bad. "Inequality" is perfectly normal and
equality is innatural and impossibe to achieve anywhere but in fantasy.
Total equality is perfect dystopia as portrayed in Brave New World and

There must be hierarchy, some people should have more and others less,
what's the problem with that? Only greedy and hubris-affected poor people
have a problem with that. The people most affected by the ill of greed I
have met in my life were poor or even bums. It's a spiritual illness. Sure
some rich have it too, but many rich are decent people who understand it's
not their reponsability to make others rich. That's not pathological
selfishness, that's normality.

I tell you what the true cultural problem right now is. It starts with
technology. The internet now is a perfect tool for perfect incompetent
morons who have zero talent, skills and substance to offer, to even become
fucking millionaires or at least, make a living selling utter

This is the perfect time for IDIOTS to become RICH, and it's actually
harder to make it when you actually have something to offer. Most people
don't give a shit about quality.

It's an upside down world and if inequality is a problem, it is because the
inferior get way more than they should and better people don't get what
they deserve. That's the utterly unjust pattern of today.

Of course the inferior don't understand they are such due to Dunning Kruger
law and think the problem of the world is Trump, or politicians, or the
wealthy. Their faulty perception is due to hubris and they will never see
things clear until they confess that they are not special, and do not
deserve to have the nice things destined to nicer people.

Another REAL problem is that, to begin there's TOO MANY people in the
world, and a perfect way to solve the problem would be to MAKE PEOPLE DIE.
Who should die? The talented and excellent or the mediocre or inferior? The
latter of course. The problem of society is that it gives way too much
comfort and means they don't know how to use (technology) to masses of
INSECTS, who have no reason whatseover to exist and can't contribute with
anything -- they are only parasites and society should kill them off.
EVOLUTION IN BETTER should be the only focus! Not "nice feelings", comfort
or equality.

In teh end the only problem of the world is that's there's too many people,
most of which are worthless, and the question is HOW TO KILL THEM. How to
make them die.

What matters is that the RIGHT people die...the idiots. Not the smart.

As for now, in latter times (last centuries or perhaps last few
millennia...) the tendency of society is to KILL OFF THE BEST.

one who doesn't see and understand this doesn't see or understand anything.
This world sacrifices the best for the worst, and is horrendously focused
on quantity rather than quality. Inequality is a false problem, and not a
problem at all. The world MUST be unequal: worthless people not only should
have zero riches, they should die.

Everything else is pathological compassion. That's right, there is such a
thing as pathological compassion. This concern for the "poor" is
pathological. It's not about that. Another REAL problem is being a servant
of Mammon, which includes believing that the most pressant and important
issue is of economical nature. No it isn't. Economy is nothing and
shouldn't be the focus, the focus should be philosophical and in matters of
character; what matters is spirit and mind

(I'm not the writer of that)


Look, if I were poor, I wouldn't waste my time blaming Trump. I would be
too busy trying to get the means to survive, and EVEN IF Trump is making
life harder to me, then it's still stupid to focus on him: a decent person
focuses on solving the problem for how he can. He'd need philosophy.
Philosophy isn't a past-time, it's the basis of all of human endeavours.
Every action responds to a philosophy of life. To emerge from poverty,
philosophy is needed, which is what I am doing. The philosophy of blaming
politics/Trump is bad. Being smart and finding ways to get what you need,
is a better philosophy.

What should we do, GIVE MONEY TO THE POOR FOR FREE!?? All society can do is
educating stupid people and hopefully make them intelligent enough for them
to solve their problems, and THAT is the IMPOSSIBLE task. You can't turn
idiots into smart people.

They should be killed. That is the law of life, that is true morality.
Killing the inferior, who tend to be way more narcissistic and entitled
than any Trump or Hitler could even dream of being.

I'm talking about the actual losers. A poor genius like Van Gogh was victim
of envy and a web of other complex factors. I'm not saying that every
single poor person is worthless, not at all.

Most middle class people are worthless, AND SHOULD BE MADE POOR. If Trump
will do that, I'll be happy.

I repeat. I want most middle class people, whose wealth is completely
undeserved because they have nothing of value to offer and they have a job
just because society is way too nice to them and it is solely because
they're MANY, not because they have quality, to suffer for the sin of not
being of quality and not being excellent (yes it is a sin generated by the
cardinal sins of pride and sloth; people who don't have those always become
excellent and valuable in some way) and die.

Good to the good, bad to the bad. That is justice, everything else is
injustice and I don't want it. I want the inferior to be in pain while the
superior live in bliss; only that is beautiful. We can't all be happy,
that's not how this world works; try another planet.

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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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Most people don't matter shit. I'm only concerned with the well-being of
the excellent ones, and ensuring them the tools and comfort they need to
express their value and genius.

Everyone else can and must die to me. The only true problem of the world is
that there's too many people - I'm not the first to say that.

Inequality increasing? Good; let's hope more good people get what they
deserve, and more fucking assholes die. We are far from a just balance in
that sense - today, the worthless has more chance of success than the
valuable. One who doesn't see this, doesn't see anything as he doesn't
understand what's valuable and what isn't. Van Gogh precious, most people
worthless. < Absolute indisputable truth, anyone debating it should be executed immediately. It's about recognizing VALUE of FACT, whoever doesn't must not be.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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In reply to this post by Will
Mysanthropy has always been the mark of better minds.

My WET dream is to see the masses of assholes writhe in pain. A good person
wishes evil to the evil, for that is JUSTICE, that is GOD: PUNISHMENT.

See, moral confusion is the beginning of all abhomination. What most people
think it's bad is not. Hitler bad? He was an AMAZING INDIVIDUAL and the
stuff of legends (words of John Kennedy)...certainly superior to the vast

The problem of the world is MOST people. May they die. Quality matters,
quantity doesn't. The world needs less people, of better quality.

One genius is worth an infinite number of mediocre people. The latter dying
is ok; what has to be protected is the genius.

I have no respect for most people, ZERO love for them. ZERO! Most people
are worth nothing, that's a fact. I HOPE they all die soon...

My definition of stupidity is having respect of most people...they don't
deserve any. Do most people truly respect and value others?
Then do they deserve to be treated with respect? NO. Wake up.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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In reply to this post by Will
Hatred of most people and mysanthropy are the only possible things that can
NEVER be defined as "sins". They simply aren't. They are perfectly healthy
expressions of virtue.

The only sick and sinful thing in the universe is MOST PEOPLE: they are
demons, they are evil. The good man knows this, whether he has a chance to
express it or not.

Hatred of evil and righteous anger are GO(o)D itself.

Fuck your decadent morals...compassion, tolerance of what's not good enough
and lack of discernment/aesthetics are the true sins.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

In reply to this post by Will
Will wrote
His key point is that inequality is expanding.
Not much of an insight, everyone knows this.

The world used to be highly unequal. Then people revolted and made it more equal.
Equality rose and fell throughout history, basically depending on the merit of the average person which in turn depended on their religion.

Technology used to be an equalization force, but now is destroying equality, faster and faster, and nobody can stop it.
Technology is irrelevant.  Technology has been replacing jobs for several centuries now, and sensible societies just use the freed up labor for other things.

Another key point is that despite the financial inequality, people do have more information equality than ever. So, the poor are seeing what the rich have, and they ask why are we so unequal?
I think the opposite is true since in the past people actually looked at reality and now they look at the internet which is 99% nonsense.

Right now, in America, for example, the poor still has hope, e.g. Trump. But once they see that the inequality will only expand faster from now on, what will they do?
They will put their hope in the next conman until one of them finally ends democracy.

The article doesn't have a solution. But the realization of the problem is non-trivial.
I think the realization is trivial.

Will wrote
Then Trump will blame it on technology instead of China, or whatever he can sell to get reelected, then another 4 years.
No, technology makes a poor scapegoat.  Trump will blame it on China or some other group of people, as is the standard practice in history.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

In reply to this post by Bjorn
Bjorn wrote
Again: nature and life are meant to be based upon HIERARCHY and INEQUALITY.
You can't dispute with that point, it's fact.
Of course there will always be inequality, but people were fundamentally meant to be tribal.  This is the key point which liberalism totally opposes.  In a tribe with meaningful rules and values, everyone has some value because everyone follows the same rules that make society work.  The phrase found repeated in Deuteronomy "You must purge the evil from you" is actually "You must purge the BAD from you" because Hebrew doesn't distinguish evil from bad.  Bad people should be thrown out of the tribe and the rest should be helped.  This is how you make a strong cohesive tribe that can beat other tribes.
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Re: Stephen Hawking dangerous times

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