Some silly questions to Fschmidt on using luan and luanhost

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Some silly questions to Fschmidt on using luan and luanhost

Peter (pathetic gooner)
I recently took up sketching, 3D sculpting and trying to do arduino/robotics microcontrollers. I am wondering is Lucene adequate enough to implement blog post that shows pictures and simultaneously save the pictures to gallery. Does the luanhost server have the space for this? I have yet to purchase a domain name yet it’s just a thought right now
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Re: Some silly questions to Fschmidt on using luan and luanhost

Do you mean something like Instagram where users can post pictures?
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Re: Some silly questions to Fschmidt on using luan and luanhost

Peter (pathetic gooner)
More or less. I was thinking of a customizable blogging site with a gallery
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Re: Some silly questions to Fschmidt on using luan and luanhost

You can use an image hosting service with an API like Uploadcare.